2013-09-13 13:49Pressemelding

Jordan and Star Clippers: United Spirit Nordic Expands


From now on United Spirit Nordic can add Jordan and Star Clippers to their customer portfolio…

“We are very pleased with our cooperation with Jordan Tourism Board. Jordan is a destination that contributes with many exciting and varied experiences. You can swim and enjoy the sun. You have delicious food and especially you have the chance to get a great cultural and spiritual experience”, says Christine Engen, CEO of United Spirit Nordic (USN). This winter Jordan is also an obvious alternative to Egypt. Many travelers are currently rebooking their vacation in Egypt due to the political situation in the country. Jordan on the other hand has a stable political situation, a great culture and offers like Egypt, lots of sun and warm weather in the winter.

The Company Star Clippers owns three cruise ships.  One of them named “Royal Clipper” is the largest of its kind in the world and has enough space to include 227 passengers and a crew of 106 men. Star Clippers offers a wide range of adventurous cruise experiences e.g. in the Mediterranean, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. “With Star Clippers you get a different and more authentic experience at the sea than you do on a traditional cruise ship. A journey with Star Clippers is in many ways far more adventure-like.  With Star Clippers the passengers get to feel the sea – they get wave splashes in their faces and the chance to climb in the towering masts of the ship, and still they can enjoy life at the pool, the spa or the restaurant”, says Christine Engen, who has tested one of Star Clippers adventure herself.

More accounts require more people in the office and on the 1st of September 2013 Charlotte Kjep Lindholm will start as Account Manager at USN. Charlotte Kjep Lindholm comes from a job as Project Manager at Atlantic Link and has more than 15 years of experience within the travel industry.

At United Spirit Nordic they are happy to welcome Charlotte Kjep Lindholm on board: “Charlotte has like me, many years of experience within the travel industry, and I am sure that her great knowledge of the industry can provide our customers and partners with the optimal service and professionalism”, says Christine Engen.

United Spirit Nordic are also welcoming Sofie Jacobsen Lockhart, who is going to be the new PR & Communication Consultant.

Christine Engen is pleased with the expansion and looks forward to welcoming her new employees in the agencies brand new office in the heart of Copenhagen: “We have not moved very far – actually is just one floor up. But I thought we needed some change and I am really happy with our new premises”, says a happy, smiling and expectant director.

Om United Spirit Nordic

United Spirit Nordic er et uavhengig salgs-, marketing- og PR-byrå med hovedkontor i København, og vi tilbyr tjenester i Skandinavia, Finland og Baltikum. Innovative, pragmatiske, resultatorientert, konsekvente Vi møter markedet på en praktiskt og vennlig måte. Vi arbeider med partners som ser langsiktig suksess som et mål. Med andre ord, så arbejder vi som et lite team, men med stor erfarenhet til å gjennomføre slagkraftige kampanjer på et proffesjonellt sett. Vi garanterer integritet, pålitlighet, kontinuitet og motivation.


Christine Engen
PR & Communication Director
Christine Engen