2024-03-26 11:31Pressmeddelande

Here are the 2024 SWB Stallion Performance Test winners!

Devin Franco GJ (SWB) and Pink Floyd VDL are the 2024 SWB Stallion Performance Test winners.Devin Franco GJ (SWB) and Pink Floyd VDL are the 2024 SWB Stallion Performance Test winners. Photo: Michaela Swärd/SWB

From March 18th to 24th, the SWB stallion performance test took place for the fourth consecutive year at Ridskolan Strömsholm outside Västerås, Sweden.
A total of 48 stallions were entered, ready to be evaluated by the Inspection Committee, consisting of chairman and conformation judge Christina Olsson, jumping judge Susanne Axén, dressage judge Bo Jenå, the international sport judges in jumping and dressage; Pieter Kersten and Hella Kuntz, as well as veterinarians Malena "Mulle" Behring and Enar Tollig.
A handful of stallions qualified for approval with merits from performance tests in other countries, sports, or breeding, and they only needed to be presented for a conformation inspection and a veterinary inspection. In total, 15 stallions reached the high standards for approval at the Premium level in SWB. Additionally, 19 stallions were accepted for breeding within SWB.
The performance test winner in dressage for 2024 is the 4-year-old stallion who achieved the highest score in dressage: Devin Franco GJ (SWB) 1472 by Vivino out of Sweet Dreams GJ (23) (SWB) - Bon Coeur. The breeder & owner is Gustaf Johansson, with rider Minna Telde.
The test rider, Theo Hanzon, gave him an 8.5 score and commented:
"It was a very nice feeling; he was really easy to ride. Steps both bigger and smaller. He feels like a big horse when you sit on him. Very nice trot and canter; the walk could be more over the back. Super sweet horse!"
The test rider, Philipp Hess, also gave him 8.5 and said:
"A really sweet and gentle horse, he is sensitive and good, reactive to the aids. He is a pleasure to ride and works for the rider. Soft contact. A really relaxed and supple horse. There is a little grinding with the teeth sometimes. The walk is really good. The canter is uphill, and you can feel the ability to collect already. The trot has a clear beat rhythm; perhaps there could be a bit more swinging over the back."
The performance test winner in jumping for 2024 is the 4-year-old stallion who achieved the highest scores in the discipline: Pink Floyd VDL by Conthargos out of Cella - Cento. The breeder and owner is VDL Stud, Netherlands, with rider Magnus Österlund.
The test rider Fredrik Spetz gave him 9.5 score, and his comment was:
"He's a really nice horse who, despite his size, is very rideable. Really good feeling in the jumping. Feels like a horse for the big tasks!"

The test rider Emma Emanuelsson also gave him 9.5, and she said:
"A big horse with a big canter. He has nice rideability, today a bit immature looking at things around the jumps, which is not unusual for such a young horse. He is very careful, has excellent capacity, and will probably make the big jumps in the future."

Congratulations to owners, breeders, riders, teams, and everyone involved!

Om Swedish Warmblood Association

SWB - Swedish Warmblood Association, is a Swedish nationwide breeding organization aimed at supporting and advancing the breeding, training, and marketing of Swedish Warmblood horses. Swedish Warmbloods are internationally competitive in show jumping, dressage, and eventing. World-class Swedish Warmbloods are produced by our Swedish SWB breeders, who uphold a long tradition of natural and sustainable breeding of modern riding and sport horses.


Ellinor Andersson
Kommunikation & Marknadsföring
Ellinor Andersson