2022-02-27 15:38Pressmeddelande

Two-year deal secure Rally Swedens and Umeås place in the WRC

Rally Sweden has secured a new two-year deal with the WRC Promoter. Foto: Tony Velam/McKlein/Rally Sweden Rally Sweden has secured a new two-year deal with the WRC Promoter. Foto: Tony Velam/McKlein/Rally Sweden

Rally Sweden's premiere edition in Umeå was a success. The WRC Promoter and Rally Sweden have agreed on a new two-year agreement that secures Sweden's and Umeå's place in the prestigious World Rally Championship.

Rally Sweden 2022 has ended. The competition was successful with good weather, good conditions, good organization, and a large audience.

Rally Sweden's CEO Glenn Olsson is delighted with the event.

"I think we have delivered high above everyone's expectations. We have had fantastic roads, good weather, good TV pictures, and many have told us that our officials had done a tremendous job out there", he says and continues:

"FIA, WRC Promoter, and the Teams are all satisfied, and everyone thinks it has been an entirely right decision to move to Umeå, as a city suits Umeå very well for a WRC event". 

It is also clear that it will be a continuation for Rally Sweden and Umeå in the WRC circus as WRC Promoter and Rally Sweden have agreed on a new two-year agreement.

"To be able to end a weekend like this by being able to tell that we have extended our agreement by two years according to plan feels, of course, absolutely fantastic", Glenn Olsson says.

WRC Promoter Event Director Simon Larkin comment on the new two-year deal with Rally Sweden: 

“This agreement secures Sweden’s place in the FIA World Rally Championship for the next two years and protects the future of the WRC’s only pure winter rally. The move north to Umeå has proved a resounding success and we thank the people of the Västerbotten region for the support and warm welcome they have extended to the championship this week.”

Om Rally Sweden

Rally Sweden är en av 13 deltävlingar i WRC, världsmästerskapen i rally, och det enda utpräglade vinterrallyt. Det är Sveriges största årligen återkommande evenemang med över 100 000 åskådare under fyra dagar och närmare 120 miljoner tv-tittare runt hela världen! Tävlingarna avgörs för första gången i år i Umeå i Västerbotten. Tävlingen har körts sedan 1950 och varit vinterrally sedan 1965. Rally Sweden är känt som en vinterfestival, där publiken kommer förare, bilar och tävlingarna riktigt nära – Closer to Rally.


VD Svenska Rallyt AB
Anna Nordkvist
Communication Rally Sweden
Niklas Westman