2022-02-22 13:43Pressmeddelande

Thierry Neuville supports the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund

Thierry Neuville will support the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund in the Rally Sweden 2022. 
FOTO: HYUNDAI MOTORSPORTThierry Neuville will support the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund in the Rally Sweden 2022. FOTO: HYUNDAI MOTORSPORT

The Belgium WRC-star Thierry Neuville supports one local association at every event. In Rally Sweden he will donate money to the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund. 

The Hyundai Shell Mobis driver Thierry Neuville, who won the Rally Sweden in 2018, has since 2020 supported one local association on every event he participated in. The donation depends on his final result. No matter what happens at the event, he will donate 2 000 euros. If he comes 3rd or 2nd, the donation is 4 000 euros and if he wins, the amount given to a good cause is 10 000 euros. 

Thierry Neuville has now chosen which association he will support in Rally Sweden 2022, The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund (Barncancerfonden). 

"For Rally Sweden I'm happy to support a great cause: The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, which is the coordinating body and national umbrella association for the country's six regional childhood cancer associations," Neuville says in a press release. 

The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund works to fight childhood cancer and ensures that affected children, youth and their families receive the care and the support they need. The Fund does this by four important areas of operation: 

  • The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is the single largest financier of childhood cancer research in Sweden.

  • They spread awareness of childhood cancers and the situations of the children and their families to make their lives easier.

  • The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is constantly working to improve support for children with cancer and their families.

  • One of the most important tasks of the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is to support research, which requires extensive resources.

Om Rally Sweden

Rally Sweden är en av 13 deltävlingar i WRC, världsmästerskapen i rally, och det enda utpräglade vinterrallyt. Det är Sveriges största årligen återkommande evenemang med över 100 000 åskådare under fyra dagar och närmare 120 miljoner tv-tittare runt hela världen! Tävlingarna avgörs för första gången i år i Umeå i Västerbotten. Tävlingen har körts sedan 1950 och varit vinterrally sedan 1965. Rally Sweden är känt som en vinterfestival, där publiken kommer förare, bilar och tävlingarna riktigt nära – Closer to Rally.


VD Svenska Rallyt AB
Anna Nordkvist
Communication Rally Sweden
Niklas Westman