The conference at Euro Mine are divided into three main themes, but the overall goal is to show new business opportunities. As the presenters dwell into topics of new technology, sustainability and the future markets the participants might very well find ideas and thoughts that leads to new innovations and solutions.
There is a strong lineup of speakers, and the themes are targeting the whole mining industry, however there are also additional professionals that might find specific topics quite interesting, says Jaana Tengman, project manager at Euro Mine Expo.
Tuesday, June 14 - Innovation and Business development. The mining industry is challenged by falling commodity prices while costs still remain high. To meet the demand of increasing production efficiency the mining industry needs to be more progressive and innovative and look to other industries for new solutions. Adopting innovations within automation, ICT and smart technologies can be a step-change in an operation’s overall performance. In addition to technology development collaboration and new business processes enabling the building of new ecosystems around operations will be key tools in the future of mining.
This topic is geared towards suppliers, consultants, academy, and also government and municipality representatives interested in how the developments in the mining sector can lead to new business opportunities.
Wednesday, June 15 - Sustainability in ActionSince the concept of sustainable development was introduced some thirty years ago it has won global acceptance and considered as the only way forward for the planet. Sustainability comes in many shapes and can be applied to virtually all human activities including exploitation of natural resources. However not to just be a buzzword in annual reports sustainability must be embraced by the mining industry and put in practice. So in what way has sustainability been implemented by the mining industry and what are the implications? Can mining be sustainable and in what sense?
Besides the target audience for day one - environmental consultants, HR and health and safety and union representatives will find the speakers interesting.
Thursday, June 16 - Light at the tunnel – how gloomy are metal markets? Metal prices have been plummeting since peaking a few years ago. For some, such as iron ore and gold the peak was also an all-time high. In spite of declining, in some cases more than 50 % since then, present levels are still above what the industry faced in the early 2000s. Has the bottom been reached or will the down turn continue? The market outlook for all metals of major importance in the Nordic countries will be discussed by leading, global experts.
As the theme indicates, the last day of the conference is aiming to predict the future and show the opportunities ahead. Besides the interested parties from previous days, analysts, investors and management should not miss this session.
Amongst the speakers we find Georgette Barnes, sharing her history from her first job as Administration Assistant to founder and owner of her own drilling supplies company, Georgette Barnes Ltd in Ghana, an inspiring presentation showing the need for women in mining. May Hermanus, CSIR speaks of Southern Africa, where the developments to a large extent has led to a need for automation and more efficient solutions. The session will show the opportunities for new technology and innovative solutions. Karl-Erik Rånman, Boliden will high-light various alternatives for the mining industry towards the fossil free mine utilizing bio-fuel and electricity driven vehicles. Melinda Moore, Head of Iron Ore at London Standard Bank presents her view of the Iron Ore market and it’s opportunities.
The conference is very important, it shows opportunities for the industry and aims to inspire for future innovations and business development says Sven-Erik Österlund, VP LTU Business and part of the Euro Mine Expo organizing committee.
All speakers – May Hermanus, Maria Magdalena Holmgren, Pär Johansson, Peter Burman, Johannes Danz, Karl Erik Rånman, Helena Ranängen, Åsa Lindman, Georgette Barnes, Glen Mpufane, Sarah Downes, John Meyer, Chris Hinde, Melinda Moore, Mike Armitage
For a complete program including speakers and bio –
Jaana Tengman
Project Manager
Phone: +46 (0)910 547 61
Mobile: +46 (0)70 264 83 45
Euro Mine Expo is held June 14-16 2016 in Skellefteå, Sweden. The International Trade Fair and Conference for the mining industry and its suppliers will be arranged for the fifth time at the very heart of Sweden’s mining industry. In this region tradition and history go hand in hand with technical development and innovative ideas.
Welcome to Sweden, to Skellefteå and to a glimpse of the future of our industry!
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