Innan AB has taken safety education to a new level by combining their experience in safety with Virtual Reality. By utilizing VR, the education can be held in environments mimicking the real world, but without putting the participants in real danger.
“We build a virtual environment where the participants can test their skills in various scenarios without any risks for themselves, the equipment or the environment. In addition, it is very cost efficient. ” says Nicklas Karlsson, CEO Innan AB who has developed the solution.
Innan AB will demonstrate two scenarios during Euro Mine Expo – putting out a fire and getting to a rescue chamber. Each scenario will be 3-4 minutes long and besides VR glasses and headphones, the participant will use props, such as fire extinguishers. “Our concept is unique as it encompasses visual, audible and tactile senses by using also props, which is something few others do today.” Says Nicklas.
The props, - fire extinguisher – is equipped with a motion sensor similar to those used in computer games and the technology used is HTC Vive. The development is done in Skellefteå and the future contains more scenarios for various industries and the opportunity for customers to tailor the education to their environment. As example, the mine could be filmed and used as a virtual exercise area.
“It’s interesting when new technology leads to innovative ideas and we are happy to see Innan AB choosing Euro Mine Expo for launching their new product.” says Jaana Tengman, project manager Euro Mine Expo.
To learn more about safety educations utilizing VR: Visit Innan AB in booth 160 at Euro Mine Expo
Nicklas Karlsson
070 332 26 66
Euro Mine Expo is arranged June 14-16 2016 in Skellefteå, Sweden. The International Trade Fair and Conference for the mining industry and its suppliers will be arranged for the fifth time at the very heart of Sweden’s mining industry. In this region tradition and history go hand in hand with technical development and innovative ideas. Welcome to Sweden, to Skellefteå and to a glimpse of the future of our industry!
Företaget Nolia AB skapar attraktiva mötesplatser som ger positiv tillväxt för näringsliv och samhälle i Norrland. Det gör vi genom att arrangera mässor, konferenser och andra event. Vi erbjuder även konsulttjänster som projektledning samt uthyrning av möbler och annan utrustning. Varje år arrangerar vi nära 15 stora publik- och fackmässor i Norrland där Stora Nolia är den största. Hos oss träffas varje år över 250 000 människor för att utbyta erfarenheter, utvecklas och göra affärer.