Exploration, funding and equal opportunities are three examples of topics in focus at the seminars and workshops help at the Euro Mine Expo, an international trade fair for the mining industry held in Skellefteå, Sweden. Speakers include experts from international companies and organisations.
”The topics chosen for the seminars and workshops are pressing issues for the mining industry all over the world,” says Jaana Tengman, project manager at Euro Mine Expo.
Other topics that are sure to attract many participants are the international outlook and the latest in geotechnical experiences in the Nordic region.
“There are only a limited number of seats available, so all those who are interested should visit our website to secure their seats,” explains Tengman.
The seminars and workshops will be held June 10-11 and are sure to attract people working in adjacent business sectors, looking to learn more about the mining industry, geotechnical experts and people in managerial positions.
“We do have something for everyone this year, and with the
companies represented and the speakers that we have engaged we feel that the
quality of the seminars will be very high.”
The seminars and workshops at Euro Mine Expo will cover the following:
- Mining and geotechnical experience in the Nordic Region, practical mining and geotechnical considerations in mine planning and operations. Organised by SRK Consulting
- Equal opportunities in the mining industry. Organised by Women In Mining (WIM), Foyen Advokatfirma & Boliden.
- Funding possibilities for Nordic cooperation in the mining industry. Workshop, organised by Nordmin.
- Guidance for exploration in Sweden, focused on the continuous improvement of work in issues concerning safety, external environment and social responsibility. Organised by Svemin.
- International outlook. Moderated by Magnus Ericsson, Professor, Mineral economics Luleå University of Technology and co-founder and partner of the Raw Materials Group (RMG). Speakers from Canada, China, Colombia, Botswana & Sweden.
Jaana Tengman
Project Manager
Email: jaana.tengman@euromineexpo.com
Phone: +46 (0)910 547 61
Mobile: +46 (0)70 264 83 45
Euro Mine Expo is held June 10-12 2014 in Skellefteå, Sweden. The International Trade Fair and Conference for the mining industry and its suppliers will be arranged for the fourth time at the very heart of Sweden’s mining industry. In this region tradition and history go hand in hand with technical development and innovative ideas.
Welcome to Sweden, to Skellefteå and to a glimpse of the future of our industry!
Företaget Nolia AB skapar attraktiva mötesplatser som ger positiv tillväxt för näringsliv och samhälle i Norrland. Det gör vi genom att arrangera mässor, konferenser och andra event. Vi erbjuder även konsulttjänster som projektledning samt uthyrning av möbler och annan utrustning. Varje år arrangerar vi nära 15 stora publik- och fackmässor i Norrland där Stora Nolia är den största. Hos oss träffas varje år över 250 000 människor för att utbyta erfarenheter, utvecklas och göra affärer.