2016-04-27 11:33Pressmeddelande

Georange hosts the Junior Mining Pavilion at Euro Mine Expo 2016


Due to the low price levels in the raw materials market, exploration is down significantly at the moment. In addition, several projects are put on hold and some almost forgotten. Still quite a few junior mining and exploration companies are around and some projects close to be started.

In order to further develop Euro Mine Expo, the junior mining companies are invited to a special pavilion, this year it is hosted by Georange. 
-As a partner to Euro Mine Expo, we welcome this initiative, says Lennart Gustavsson, chairman of Georange. - We see junior companies as an important part of our future, and are happy to host the pavilion of 2016.

- We have received important feedback from the mining industry, and we are excited to take on the challenge to provide a business platform also including the junior mining and exploration companies, says Jaana Tengman, project manager of Euro Mine Expo. - It is tough times, but now is also the time to build for the future, adds Jaana Tengman.

Euro Mine Expo is arranged June 14-16 2016 in Skellefteå, Sweden. The International Trade Fair and Conference for the mining industry and its suppliers will be arranged for the fifth time at the very heart of Sweden’s mining industry. In this region tradition and history go hand in hand with technical development and innovative ideas. Welcome to Sweden, to Skellefteå and to a glimpse of the future of our industry!

Jaana Tengman
Event Manager Euro Mine Expo
+46 910 54761

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Jonas Dahlberg
VD, Nolia AB
Jonas Dahlberg
Erik Säfvenberg
Erik Säfvenberg
Peter Kattilasaari
Projektledare Stora Nolia
Peter Kattilasaari
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