2018-06-11 11:11Pressmeddelande

Euro Mine Expo opens with trade fair, conference, open sessions and many of the major mining companies on site


Euro Mine Expos opens on June 12:th I Skellefteå, Sweden, with trade fair, conference, open sessions, delegates from about 30 countries and several of the major mining companies in place.

"It’s important that Euro Mine Expo is not just a trade fair. The conference section, with lectures and seminars, deepens and gives weight to the whole event, says Åsa Allan, site manager at Kaunis Iron in Pajala.

This year's Euro Mine Expo focuses on new business opportunities and future visions for the mining industry. Each day at the fair, the conference has different themes with Key Note Speakers, such as Innovation & Business Development, Sustainability in Action and Future Outlook. In addition, in the morning there are in-depth Sessions featuring new technology, up and coming companies and senior executives on our main conference stage held in subjects such as virtual reality, X-Ray analyzes and hot topics for Skellefteå, considering the upcoming battery factory, such as electrification and battery metals.

There are also open seminars, a packed morning meeting organized by Skellefteå municipality, a start-up pitch session hosted by EIT RawMaterials and a series of networking opportunities.

Åsa Allan is site manager at Kaunis Iron, opening mining operations in Kaunisvaara outside Pajala.

She will speak during the second day in the open seminar hosted by Women in Mining and Svemin on the topic gender equality and diversity.

"I will speak about how we, at Kaunis Iron, thinks regarding gender equality and diversity when we are building the organization. It's more important to think of having people of different ages, backgrounds and experiences in the organization than just thinking about the ratio of men and women", says Åsa Allan.

In addition, she will talk about the challenges they face in recruiting an organization built from scratch.

"We are experiencing a boom in Sweden. I will talk about how we plan to attract the right people when hiring a lot of people at once. At the same time, it has proved easier to attract people to a new business than we first thought. Wanting to be involved and building something from scratch, in a small organization where each role is quite wide, seems to be attractive to many”, says Åsa Allan that also is looking forward to meeting colleagues in the industry, to see and learn what's going on in projects, development of equipment and the environment.

Jaana Tengman, Project Manager for Euro Mine Expo, believes that this year's edition is perhaps the most interesting to date.

"There has been a huge interest, something the program and the presence of several of the major mining companies contributed to," says Jaana Tengman, who welcomes all to this year's Euro Mine Expo.

Here you can find pictures from last Euro Mine Expo, held 2016.

For more information contact:

Jaana Tengman, project manager Euro Mine Expo
+46 910-547 61
+46 70 26 48 345

Euro Mine Expo is an international fair and conference for the mining industry held every two years. It’s organized in Skellefteå by Nolia, Norrland's largest organizer of meetings, trade fairs and events. Euro Mine Expo will be held 12-14 June 2018 at Skellefteå Kraft Arena in Skellefteå, Sweden.

Om Nolia AB

Företaget Nolia AB skapar attraktiva mötesplatser som ger positiv tillväxt för näringsliv och samhälle i Norrland. Det gör vi genom att arrangera mässor, konferenser och andra event. Vi erbjuder även konsulttjänster som projektledning samt uthyrning av möbler och annan utrustning. Varje år arrangerar vi nära 15 stora publik- och fackmässor i Norrland där Stora Nolia är den största. Hos oss träffas varje år över 250 000 människor för att utbyta erfarenheter, utvecklas och göra affärer.


Jonas Dahlberg
VD, Nolia AB
Jonas Dahlberg
Erik Säfvenberg
Erik Säfvenberg
Peter Kattilasaari
Projektledare Stora Nolia
Peter Kattilasaari
Kristin Olsson
Kristin Olsson
Monica Pettersson
Monica Pettersson
Jörgen Lindqvist
Affärsområdeschef Konferens, Event, Uthyrning
Jörgen Lindqvist
Ann Vikström
Affärsområdeschef Piteå
Ann Vikström