2022-03-21 17:46News

21 March 2022

Mundus Nordic Green News

Norwegian hydrogen and bio-methanol collaboration readies for global markets

Blue Marine Cluster, a Norwegian maritime cluster, congratulates two of its members - Norwegian Hydrogen and Glocal Green who have entered into a collaboration agreement on large-scale production of bio-e-methanol from biological waste and residual industrial raw materials. While Glocal Green is focusing on the possibilities within bio-methanol as its contribution to the green shift, Norwegian Hydrogen is producing and building an infrastructure for green hydrogen. 

According to the plan, the first production plant will be built in Øyer municipality, with the hope to establish more plants both in Central Norway, in the Northwest and further south along the coast. Glocal Green believes that the optimal size is approximately 100,000 tonnes of annual production per plant, corresponding to a raw material requirement per plant of approximately 80,000 tonnes of biomass and up to approximately 10,000 tonnes of green hydrogen.

Press release, MSN

Korkia and Recap Energy partner to develop solar energy in Sweden

Korkia and Recap, a Swedish renewable energy developer, have formed a joint venture to develop a portfolio of more than 200 MW of solar energy in Sweden over the next four years. The joint venture will sell ready-to-build solar energy projects to long-term investors. Korkia will finance the joint venture and its future projects through the new Korkia Renewable Energy Ky fund, which it launched to investors in February (see here).

Press release

Scania tests electric trucks in LKAB's mine in northern Sweden

An electric Scania Heavy Tipper will be used in LKAB's mine in Malmberget, together with an electric crane truck that is specially adapted for mining operations. Fredrik Allard, Head of E-mobility, Scania said “We continue to work with customers who want to try innovative solutions together with us. For Scania, it is very valuable to be able to test electric vehicles in the extreme environment we find in real customers' mining operations. In addition, Scania Heavy Tipper is the first of its kind in this industry and another really big step on the road to sustainable transport solutions in all applications.”

Press release

Kährs launches Nordic Ecolabelled PVC-free floor for demanding environments

Flooring company, Kährs has launched its Nordic Ecolabelled and PVC-free flooring Zero & Green, for public environments. Zero & Green is a high-performance floor for projects with high demands on the environment, durability and indoor environment. And at the same time, Kährs is switching to renewable energy in their factory in Finland.

Press release

Swedish energy forecasts predict strong growth in wind and solar

The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) has published its short-term forecast for energy use and energy supply for the period 2020–2024. The Agency says that demand dropped briefly during the pandemic, but is now growing. Wind power will increase steadily in the coming years, from 28 TWh in 2020 to 47 TWh in 2024. Solar will also increase sharply, albeit from low levels, and is expected to amount to 3 TWh 2024. Total electricity production is expected to increase from 161 TWh 2020 to 184 TWh 2024 This will also lead to increased electricity exports, which may be expected to reach 41 TWh in 2024.

The forecast is subject to greater uncertainties than normal, due both to Russia’s actions, and industrialisation. Towards the end of the forecast period, several large projects linked to energy conversion are expected. However, the forecast only includes projects where all necessary permits have been granted. If all permits for major new industrial establishments are approved, an additional 8 TWh of electricity demand is estimated to be added.

Press release

NEL receives purchase order for several H2Station modules in France

NEL has received a purchase order from HysetCo for several H2Station modules to be used for light-duty fuel cell electric vehicles in Paris, France. HysetCo is a pioneer of the hydrogen mobility devoted to the development of hydrogen refueling stations network, which owns the world’s largest fleet of hydrogen taxis, deployed in the Paris region.

Press release

What we’re reading
  • Netherlands ramps up plan for doubling offshore wind capacity by 2030 (Reuters)
  • Saudi Aramco ramps up investment to boost production (BBC)
  • The war is affecting the green transition - but the ambitions remain (Swedish: Sieps)
  • Fortescue says its “very stretch” 15m tonne green hydrogen targets now very achievable (RenewEconomy)

About Nordic Green News

The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we curate the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.