2019-09-16 13:10Bloggpost

Composition for Jazz Orchestra Course at KMH: compose for the Norrbotten Big Band!


A concentrated independent course at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH) offers you the possibility to compose major works for jazz orchestra in collaboration with Norrbotten Big Band. The course is open for applicants who have a Bachelor's Degree. Application open until 15 October 2019.


Pace of study: Full time

Credits: 10

General entry requirements for second cycle studies or equivalent. Selection takes place after admission tests. Admission period 16 September – 15 October 2019.

Course Content
You will learn to compose major works for jazz orchestras and to explain in detail the work idea, material and composition process. You should also be able to interpret repertoire in dialogue with conductor and practitioner.

You get tutoring in composing your own work based on these key concepts:

• compositional methods
• practice for improvisation
• orchestration
• genre-specific notation

Theoretical teaching and lectures are given at KMH in Stockholm. Norrbottensmusiken provides the Norrbotten Big Band to perform the practical work as an orchestra with workshop meetings between students and orchestra.

The course is examined with an oral and written presentation of the composition process together with an artistic presentation.

Schedule for lectures and workshops, spring 2020
All lectures and and workshops are mandatory with no exceptions!

Lectures at Kungliga Musikhögskolan in Stockholm
Lecture 1: Wednesday 22 January, 13.00-17.00
Lecture 2: Wednesday 12 February, 13.00-17.00
Lecture 3: Wednesday 4 March, 13.00-17.00

Workshops and rehearsals with Norrbotten Big Band in Luleå, Sweden:
Workshop 1 Tuesday, 17 March 2020, 13.00-18.00
Workshop 2 Wednesday 18 March 2020,10.00-16.00
Workshop 3 Thursday 19 March, 2020, 12.00-19.00

(Can be subject to change. Workshop 3 is a concert and/or a recording session)

Course syllabus

Description of portfolio

The course at the KMH website

More information:

Örjan Fahlström, Lecturer
Academy of Classical Music, Composition, Conducting and Music Theory

Mattias Petersson, Director of Studies (composition)
Academy of Classical Music, Composition, Conducting and Music Theory

You may receive this information to a personal e-mail account as a registered representative or contact person for international studies or cooperation. If you do not wish to receive international news from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, please notify us at samverkan@kmh.se.

Om Kungl. Musikhögskolan (KMH)

Kungl. Musikhögskolan i Stockholm (KMH) är Sveriges enda fristående statliga högskola för högre musikutbildning. KMH utbildar cirka 1300 studenter om året inom bl. a. folkmusik, jazz, klassisk musik, dirigering, komposition, musik- och medieproduktion samt olika lärarutbildningar med inriktning musik. KMH har särskilt uppdrag att ge utbildningar i orkester- och kördirigering, elektroakustisk komposition och pianostämning. KMH bedriver även konstnärlig och vetenskaplig forskning och forskarutbildning, utbildar i bl. a. musikterapi, och deltar i omfattande konstnärliga och pedagogiska forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt i Sverige och internationellt. Med 350-400 egna konserter och andra evenemang varje år är KMH en av Stockholms större konsertarrangörer.


Emilie Lidgard
Koordinator för samverkan och innovation
Emilie Lidgard
Henrik Frisk
Prorektor på KMH och professor i musik
Henrik Frisk
Johannes Landgren
Tf. Rektor/Vice Chancellor
Johannes Landgren
Per Sjöberg
Konsert- och eventproducent
Per Sjöberg
Lektor i arbetsplatsförlagt lärande
Anna Backman Bister
Sven Ahlbäck
Professor i svensk folkmusik
Sven Ahlbäck
Eva Bojner Horwitz
Professor i musik och hälsa
Eva Bojner Horwitz
Ida Petri Kinner
Digital kommunikatör
Ida Petri Kinner
Marie Halling
Chef för samverkansavdelningen
Marie Halling