The new Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD, designed for the APS-C format, gives the user access to a zoom ratio of 22.2x, with focal lengths from wide angle and up to ultra-telephoto. Furthermore, the lens is equipped with image stabilization. The ultimate lens for both everyday life and for your travels!
In 1992 Tamron introduced the concept ”super zoom”, when they launched the world’s first 28-200 mm lens. Since then the company has been awarded many awards for its innovative lens constructions, and they have become a market leader in this genre.
Once again, with this new Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD, Tamron comes first. This time they are launching a 22.2x ultra zoom, reaching into a sphere formerly only reserved for ultra-tele. The lens gives an image angle equivalent to 36-600 mm in the full format!
From close to far without changing lenses
The huge zoom range covers most scenes to may encounter on your travels, and practically eliminates the need to change lenses. Built-in image stabilisation and a moisture-proof construction also contributes to the lens’ ability to act as an “all-in-one solution” for both everyday and holiday photography.
With a minimum object distance of just 45 cm up to the 400 mm mode, it is also possible to take close-ups of plants, insects and other small things you may encounter on a day out. The maximum magnification ratio is 1:2.9 – almost like with a true macro lens!
High speed and accuracy
Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD has a special designed focus engine, HLD (High/Low torque modulated Drive) producing outstanding driving torque, and adjusts motor rotation from low to high speed to enable accurate and quiet focusing. Another finesse is an electromagnetic diaphragm system providing a precise aperture control with fast response, which is especially practical during video recording. A zoom lock can be activated to prevent the lens zooming out due to its own weight when pointing downwards.
The optional TAP-in Console provides a USB connection to a personal computer, enabling the user to easily update the lens’s firmware as well as to customize features, including fine adjustments to the AF and VC.
Tamron has also emphasized the optical construction, consisting of 16 lenses in 11 groups. This construction also includes low dispersion LD glass and aspherical lens elements, which in combination minimize wide-ranging aberrations like chromatic aberrations and distortion, thereby assuring outstanding image quality.
Price and availability
Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD is available with Canon and Nikon mounts, and will be available in July 2017.
Summary for Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD
Specifications Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD
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