Sirui, which was previously known for making professional high-end tripods, has in a short time established itself as a well-known manufacturer of cinema lenses that has received much praise from the industry. With their latest launch Sirui doesn´t hold back and introduces no less than four exciting cinema lenses!
The new Jupiter lens series from Sirui consists of three new primes, 24mm T2, 35mm T2, 50mm T2 with great characteristics and macro abilities and a new versatile cinematic zoom, Sirui Jupiter 28-85mm T3.2.
Sirui Jupiter 24mm T2, 35mm T2 & 50mm T2
All three primes are designed for full-frame and larger sensors, covers 8K resolution and comes with great macro abilities with a close focus distance of only 0.24m across the whole range. When used wide open at T2, the lens offers a nice shallow depth of field as well as an impressive low light performance. Together with the 11-bladed iris it contributes to a more round, smooth and cinematic looking bokeh.
Optical design consists of 13 elements in 11 groups for the 24mm T2, the 35mm T2 has 14 elements in 11 groups, and the 50mm T2 features 13 elements in 10 groups. Optics are coated to help eliminate veiling glare and all lenses produce a nice and crisp image with the right amount of contrast and great color reproduction. Distortion and optical aberration is kept to a minimum
All 3 prime lenses are similar in size and weight with uniform 92mm filter thread (outer diameter 95mm) and gear position, so you don´t have to move the gears when switching lenses.
The new series comes in PL and EF mount, making them compatible with most professional cinema cameras on the market. Lens adapters for E and RF mounts will also be released in connection with the launch of lenses
Sirui Jupiter 28-85mm T3.2 zoom lens
The lens features a parfocal design and is just like the primes designed for full-frame and larger sensors. The parfocal design guarantees a constant focus while zooming in and out and focus breathing is kept to a minimum.
Lens design consist of 22 elements in 18 groups. An aperture range of T3.2 to T22 is offered for precise exposure control and a 11-blade iris produces a round and smooth bokeh. The focus ring features a dual scale with both feet and meters, and delicate focus adjustments can be made over a nice and smooth 259° rotation angle.
It also has a common 110mm filter thread, a lens support adapter, and a zoom lever. Just like the Jupiter primes, it is available in either PL or EF but can fitted to E and RF mounts with the help of the new adapters. The image is sharp without being overly sharp, leaning more towards a soft vintage look. The transition is smooth and natural with some pleasing bokeh in the background.
Shipping and pricing
The new lenses will start to ship in mid-June 2022.
Recommended selling price is:
Sirui Jupiter 24mm T2 EUR 1.019,90;-
Sirui Jupiter 35mm T2 EUR 1.019,90;-
Sirui Jupiter 50mm T2 EUR 1.019,90;-
Sirui Jupiter 28-85mm T3.2 EUR 2.919,90;-
For further information, please contact
Key specifications
Focus Nordic ir lielākais foto preču produktu izplatītājs Eiropā. Mūsu klāsts ietver daudzus no spēcīgākajiem zīmoliem gan kameru, gan optikas, gan piederumu ziņā. Mēs pārstāvam tādus zīmolus kā Zeiss, Tamron, Ricoh/Pentax, Rotolight, Samyang, Lexar, Transcend, Delkin, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kodak, Kenko, Sirui, Hollyland, Kowa, Steiner, Ilford, Nissin, NiSi, Ledgo, Orca, Saramonic, Zhiyun u.c. Bez tam, mūsu piedāvājumā ir daudzi produkti zem Focus zīmola. Mūsu biznesa koncepcija ir nodrošināt efektīvu produktu izplatīšanu tieši no mūsu pašu noliktavas, piegādājot mazumtirgotājiem Ziemeļvalstīs vislabākos produktus. Ar lieliem iepirkumiem visā Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas reģionā tiek apspriestas labākās cenas gan uz precēm, gan uz kravu pārvadājumiem. Mūsu mērķis ir būt pēc iespējas pilnīgākiem, mums šobrīd ir vairāk nekā 60 dažādu zīmolu, no kuriem daudzi ir "aparatūra", piemēram, kameras, videokameras, lēcas un optika. Focus Nordic aktīvi iestājas par labiem darba apstākļiem un labu mūsu piegādātāju sociālo stāvokli visā pasaulē. Caur mūsu dalību ‘’Sociālās Uzņēmējdarbības Atbilstības Iniciatīvu’’ (BSCI), mēs atbalstām organizācijas rīcības kodeksu. Tai jāietver tas, ka piegādātāji ievēro cilvēktiesības un atbilst piemērojamiem tiesību aktiem un noteikumiem. Mums kā importētājam un aģentam ir svarīgi, lai mūsu pārdotie produkti tiktu ražoti ētiski, sociāli un ekoloģiski atbildīgi. Pateicoties sadarbībai BSCI, mums ir iespēja izvirzīt iepriekš minētās prasības mūsu piegādātājiem.