2022-09-15 12:00Preses relīze

New flexible filter system from NiSi

NiSi Swift SystemNiSi Swift System

NiSi which is known as one of the leading filter and optics manufacturer in the world introduces a new innovative filter system, Nisi Swift System.

The new filter system is designed for content creators on the go. It´s a flexible system that lets the user add up four different filters at one time which can then give up to 15 different effects depending on the result you want to achieve.


The new filter series is based on the existing NiSi True Color variable ND filter with 1-5 stops, where the other new filters are then pressed into place. Up to four filters can be combined at the same time. The new filter series consists of three new filters; an ND filter with 4 stops, a Black Mist 1/4 and a UV IR CUT filter, as well as an adapter that lets the user use the other filter without the variable ND 1-5 steps filter.


  • Variable ND 1-5 Stops Allows reduced shutter speeds with up to 1-5 stops. The filter comes with NiSi´s popular True Color technology that eliminates color shifts that often is seen in variable filters. The filter has a slim design and can be used with a 16mm lens without any vignetting.


  • ND 4 Stops Reduces shutter speed with 4 stops and used together with the Variable 1-5 stops it will give the user a ND Variable 5-9 stops filter. The filter has NiSi´s new Multi Ti-coating which makes it more resistant against scratches and better anti-glare.


  • Black Mist 1/4 This filter adds an extra dimension and character to your images. Highlights get a soft diffusion while shadows retain their hue and blackness. Lowers contrast, soften wrinkles, smoothen blemishes and creates a soft, pastel-like quality of light.


  • UV IR CUT The filter is designed give color balance for those cameras that don´t have an IR filter like BMPCC or Red cameras when shooting with ND filters. The filter cut both UV rays below 390nm and IR rays above 700mn.


The filters are available in 67, 72, 77, 82 and 95mm and comes in 3 different kits depending on the users’ preferences.


Shipping and pricing

The new filters will begin to be delivered at the end of September.

Recommended retail price is from EUR 88.90;- depending on the type of filter and size.


For further information, please contact raimonds.sauss@focusnordic.lv


Key specifications

  • Easy to change filters swiftly
  • New slim and innovative press on design
  • Filter with great optical performance
  • No vignetting at 20mm when combining 3 filter and adapter ring

Par mums Focus Nordic – Latvia

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Raimonds Saušs
Country Manager
Raimonds Saušs