2021-11-01 09:00Preses relīze

Mikael Westheimer new CEO to lead Focus Nordic forward

As of November 1st, 2021, Mikael Westheimer is appointed as new Chief Executive Officer of Focus Nordic in addition to his current role as Brand Director, Country Manager for Denmark and co-owner. Jonas Wernbo, who has held the position as CEO since 2014, will take on new challenges within Focus Nordic as Chief Operating Officer in addition to his current role as Country Manager for Sweden and co-owner.


Focus Nordic has been growing during the last years and we are now present in 28 markets in Scandinavia, Baltics, Central and Eastern Europe. We have adapted into new market trends, new ways of working during the pandemic and are in a very good position for further growth. In order to take the company to the next level, we have agreed within the group of owners to make this change, says Mikael Westheimer.


As CEO, Mikael Westheimer is overall responsible for strategy, sales and development. He will focus on reaching the full potential of the brand portfolio, new and existing markets through close collaboration with local markets and key support functions to create synergies.


As COO, Jonas Wernbo is overall responsible for daily operations in the Gothenburg head office. In addition, he is responsible for developing the global binocular business and our internal brand Focus Sport Optics. Jonas is taking an overall strategic sales role within the Nordic markets with focus on key account customers.


Knut Aronsen remains as Country Manager for Norway, Chairman and co-owner with responsibility for finance and new investments.



About Focus Nordic

We have been dedicated to photo, video, and optics since the 1950s. Today, we are more passionate than ever to share knowledge, inspiration and lead the industry forward.


Focus Nordic is one of the leading distributors of photo, video & optics in Europe with more than 60 brands such as Tamron, Samyang, Panasonic, Zhiyun, Nanlite, Polaroid, Zeiss, Kodak, Focus Sport Optics and Focus I Love My Photos represented in 28 markets in Scandinavia, Central and Eastern Europe. The company was founded in 2010 as a merger between a Swedish, a Norwegian and a Danish company and is privately held. Focus Nordic has an annual turnover of 60 million EUR and more than 70 employees. With a centralized head office in Sweden covering logistics, product management, marketing, finance, and IT together with local market expertise in local sales teams, Focus Nordic covers all their markets locally but efficiently as one market.

Par mums Focus Nordic – Latvia

Focus Nordic ir lielākais foto preču produktu izplatītājs Eiropā. Mūsu klāsts ietver daudzus no spēcīgākajiem zīmoliem gan kameru, gan optikas, gan piederumu ziņā. Mēs pārstāvam tādus zīmolus kā Lowepro, Joby, Zeiss, Tamron, Ricoh/Pentax, Rotolight, Samyang, Lexar, Transcend, Delkin, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kodak, Kenko, Sirui, Hollyland, Kowa, Steiner, Ilford, Nissin, NiSi, Ledgo, Orca, Saramonic, Zhiyun u.c. Bez tam, mūsu piedāvājumā ir daudzi produkti zem Focus zīmola. Mūsu biznesa koncepcija ir nodrošināt efektīvu produktu izplatīšanu tieši no mūsu pašu noliktavas, piegādājot mazumtirgotājiem Ziemeļvalstīs vislabākos produktus. Ar lieliem iepirkumiem visā Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas reģionā tiek apspriestas labākās cenas gan uz precēm, gan uz kravu pārvadājumiem. Mūsu mērķis ir būt pēc iespējas pilnīgākiem, mums šobrīd ir vairāk nekā 60 dažādu zīmolu, no kuriem daudzi ir "aparatūra", piemēram, kameras, videokameras, lēcas un optika. Focus Nordic aktīvi iestājas par labiem darba apstākļiem un labu mūsu piegādātāju sociālo stāvokli visā pasaulē. Caur mūsu dalību ‘’Sociālās Uzņēmējdarbības Atbilstības Iniciatīvu’’ (BSCI), mēs atbalstām organizācijas rīcības kodeksu. Tai jāietver tas, ka piegādātāji ievēro cilvēktiesības un atbilst piemērojamiem tiesību aktiem un noteikumiem. Mums kā importētājam un aģentam ir svarīgi, lai mūsu pārdotie produkti tiktu ražoti ētiski, sociāli un ekoloģiski atbildīgi. Pateicoties sadarbībai BSCI, mums ir iespēja izvirzīt iepriekš minētās prasības mūsu piegādātājiem.


Raimonds Saušs
Country Manager
Raimonds Saušs

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