2022-03-31 13:00Preses relīze

Full-duplex wireless intercom headset system from Hollyland

Hollyland Solidcom C1Hollyland Solidcom C1

If you work in a professional production environment it´s critical to maintain constant communication with your team to make sure everything goes smoothly.


The new Solidcom C1 from Hollyland is a full-duplex wireless intercom headset from Hollyland that uses advanced DECT 6.0 technology. The system operates in the 1,9Ghz band and provides a reliable transmission up to 350m (LOS) with exceptional sound clarity.


The new lightweight headset ensures clear and accurate audio quality for effective teamwork, even in noisy environments, thanks to a wideband frequency response of 150Hz-7KHz and premium AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation). The directional microphone captures the speaker's voice clearly while minimizing unwanted noise, and it mutes automatically when the mic boom is raised.


Each intercom headset comes with a spare lithium battery for convenient field replacement, keeping the system up and running with minimal downtime. The batteries are rechargeable externally with a dedicated multi-port charger. Batteries require only 2.5 hours to reach full charge and provides up to 10 hours run time for each headset (5-6 hours for the system master headset. The system is ready to use, automatically pairing up right out of the box and can pair with up to 6 headsets.


With the optional Solidcom C1 Hub base you can expand the system up to 9 people and provide the same coverage if you prefer not to use the master headset configuration. The battery-powered hub also offers additional functions, such as cascaded connection of up to three systems, A/B grouping, and a one-key mute, UAC function (Cloud calling) and announce function to communicate instantly with all headsets.


DECT 6.0 technology provides excellent transmission stability with doubled user capacity per channel. A dual-antenna diversity scheme helps ensures uninterrupted team communication in complex environments. DECT 6.0 encryption technology prevents outsiders from listening in.


Pricing and shipping


The new intercom system will start ship in April.

Recommended selling price is:

Hollyland Solidcom C1 with 2 headsets EUR 559,90;-

Hollyland Solidcom C1 with 3 headsets EUR 839,90;-

Hollyland Solidcom C1 with 4 headsets EUR 1.119,90;-

Hollyland Solidcom C1 with 6 headsets EUR 1.659,90;-

Hollyland Solidcom C1 with Hub & 8 headsets EUR 4.229,90;-

For further information, please contact raimonds.sauss@focusnordic.lv


Key specifications

  • Reliable transmission up to 350m
  • Automatically pairing right out of the box
  • Operates in the 1,9Ghz band
  • 10 hours run time for each headset
  • With the optional Solidcom C1 Hub base you can expand the system
  • DECT 6.0 encryption technology prevents outsiders from listening in

Par mums Focus Nordic – Latvia

Focus Nordic ir lielākais foto preču produktu izplatītājs Eiropā. Mūsu klāsts ietver daudzus no spēcīgākajiem zīmoliem gan kameru, gan optikas, gan piederumu ziņā. Mēs pārstāvam tādus zīmolus kā Zeiss, Tamron, Ricoh/Pentax, Rotolight, Samyang, Lexar, Transcend, Delkin, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kodak, Kenko, Sirui, Hollyland, Kowa, Steiner, Ilford, Nissin, NiSi, Ledgo, Orca, Saramonic, Zhiyun u.c. Bez tam, mūsu piedāvājumā ir daudzi produkti zem Focus zīmola. Mūsu biznesa koncepcija ir nodrošināt efektīvu produktu izplatīšanu tieši no mūsu pašu noliktavas, piegādājot mazumtirgotājiem Ziemeļvalstīs vislabākos produktus. Ar lieliem iepirkumiem visā Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas reģionā tiek apspriestas labākās cenas gan uz precēm, gan uz kravu pārvadājumiem. Mūsu mērķis ir būt pēc iespējas pilnīgākiem, mums šobrīd ir vairāk nekā 60 dažādu zīmolu, no kuriem daudzi ir "aparatūra", piemēram, kameras, videokameras, lēcas un optika. Focus Nordic aktīvi iestājas par labiem darba apstākļiem un labu mūsu piegādātāju sociālo stāvokli visā pasaulē. Caur mūsu dalību ‘’Sociālās Uzņēmējdarbības Atbilstības Iniciatīvu’’ (BSCI), mēs atbalstām organizācijas rīcības kodeksu. Tai jāietver tas, ka piegādātāji ievēro cilvēktiesības un atbilst piemērojamiem tiesību aktiem un noteikumiem. Mums kā importētājam un aģentam ir svarīgi, lai mūsu pārdotie produkti tiktu ražoti ētiski, sociāli un ekoloģiski atbildīgi. Pateicoties sadarbībai BSCI, mums ir iespēja izvirzīt iepriekš minētās prasības mūsu piegādātājiem.


Raimonds Saušs
Country Manager
Raimonds Saušs