Samyang launches its first 85mm f/1.4 portrait telephoto lens with autofocus. A compact, lightweight and weather sealed lens for Canon full-frame cameras.
The new Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4 EFoffers high performance in a small but durable package. This is the lens for Canon photographers who love to take portraits with beautiful background bokeh, but dislikes carrying unnecessarily large and heavy equipment. The weight is only 485 grams while the length is 72 mm. The advanced optical construction is designed to match even the most high-resolution DSLR cameras with full-frame sensors, but the lens also works well on Canon models with APS-C size sensors.
Upgraded AF motor
In order to provide as fast, accurate and quiet autofocus as possible, Samyang has used its new, upgraded autofocus motor Dual LSM (Linear Supersonic Motor). Focusing also occurs internally, with just one single element being moved, which means that the length of the lens remains the same regardless of focus distance. If you prefer to focus manually, the lens has an easily accessible AF / MF switch and a wide, user friendly focus ring.
The aperture is electronically controlled, which means that you can use all exposure and light metering modes the camera has to offer.
A lens for attractive bokeh
Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4 EF may be small and light, but inside the weather sealed housing is 9 elements divided into 7 groups. The design includes a hybrid aspherical element that ensures maximum sharpness even at the largest apertures, which are commonly used in a lens for portrait photography.
Samyang's effective Ultra Multi Coating (UMC) ensures that the images always show high contrast and brilliance as well as neutral color reproduction. To reduce the risk of reflexes in strong side light, the user can mount an included lens hood. The aperture has 9 blades, which contribute to render out of focus areas in a soft and attractive way.
Price and availability:
Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4 Canon EF will be available on the market in July.
Approx. retail price: € 659,-
For more information:
Summary of important features
Focal Length: 85 mm
Maximum Aperture: 1.4
Image Circle: 24 × 36 mm (full-frame). Will also fit APS-C
Lens Mount: Canon EF
Image Stabilizer: No
Optical Construction: 9 elements / 7 groups
Minimum Aperture: 16
Minimum Focus: 90 cm
Maximum Magnification: 0.11x (1:9)
Diaphragm Blades: 9
Filter Size: 77 mm
Length: 72 mm
Diameter: 88 mm
Weight: 485 grams
Included Accessories:Lens hood.Front and rear lens caps
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Focus Nordic ir lielākais foto preču produktu izplatītājs Eiropā. Mūsu klāsts ietver daudzus no spēcīgākajiem zīmoliem gan kameru, gan optikas, gan piederumu ziņā. Mēs pārstāvam tādus zīmolus kā Lowepro, Joby, Zeiss, Tamron, Ricoh/Pentax, Rotolight, Samyang, Lexar, Transcend, RoadEyes, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kenko, Sirui, 360fly, Kowa, Steiner, Ilford, Nissin, NiSi, Zhiyun u.c. Bez tam, mūsu piedāvājumā ir daudzi produkti zem Focus zīmola. Mūsu biznesa koncepcija ir nodrošināt efektīvu produktu izplatīšanu tieši no mūsu pašu noliktavas, piegādājot mazumtirgotājiem Ziemeļvalstīs vislabākos produktus. Ar lieliem iepirkumiem visā Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas reģionā tiek apspriestas labākās cenas gan uz precēm, gan uz kravu pārvadājumiem. Mūsu mērķis ir būt pēc iespējas pilnīgākiem, mums šobrīd ir vairāk nekā 60 dažādu zīmolu, no kuriem daudzi ir "aparatūra", piemēram, kameras, videokameras, lēcas un optika. Focus Nordic aktīvi iestājas par labiem darba apstākļiem un labu mūsu piegādātāju sociālo stāvokli visā pasaulē. Caur mūsu dalību ‘’Sociālās Uzņēmējdarbības Atbilstības Iniciatīvu’’ (BSCI), mēs atbalstām organizācijas rīcības kodeksu. Tai jāietver tas, ka piegādātāji ievēro cilvēktiesības un atbilst piemērojamiem tiesību aktiem un noteikumiem. Mums kā importētājam un aģentam ir svarīgi, lai mūsu pārdotie produkti tiktu ražoti ētiski, sociāli un ekoloģiski atbildīgi. Pateicoties sadarbībai BSCI, mums ir iespēja izvirzīt iepriekš minētās prasības mūsu piegādātājiem.