2022-06-15 12:00Preses relīze

A new design for Zhiyun Weebill

Zhiyun Weebill 3Zhiyun Weebill 3

The new Weebill 3 incorporates a brand-new SLING 2.0 design for improved ergonomics, built-in microphone, fill light and a powerful, inbuilt battery supporting all-day use. The Weebill 3 upgrades the filmmaking and photography experience by giving a dynamic, lightweight and easy-to-use professional device, giving users the chance to abandon the stress of cumbersome equipment in order to focus on pure artistic creation.


The new SLING 2.0 system incorporates three important ergonomic upgrades: a restructured L-shape handle that’s more stable when self-standing, a new wrist rest, and a repositioned, extendable sling grip that provide over 40% more support to your wrist by shifting the weight onto your arm. The extra support reduces fatigue, allowing for extended use in comfort. By moving the sling grip to the bottom of gimbal, it provides better stability and shake-prevention when shooting at low-angles.


The grip includes thumb buttons, mini control stick for movement, plus finger trigger and wheel that can be customized according to preferences of shooting modes and action parameters, such as camera paras, movement along axes, follow focus etc.


The Weebill 3 includes a built-in microphone and 1000 lumen fill light for a fast and efficient setup-to-shoot experience. These convenient, high-performance add-in accessories save filmmakers from the fuss of additional wires and the weight of extra accessories.


The built-in microphone provides forward focused cardioid recording, with noise-cancelling functionality, while the bright fill light offers color temperature adjustment of 2600-5400K to meet the requirements of each scene.


Compared to the previous version, the WEEBILL 3 now has a powerful 7,800mAh internal battery, which now provides up to 21-hours use for all-day filming support. With support for PD fast charging (0-100% in 2 hours) and pass-through charging of attached cameras (5V/1A), the Weebill 3 offers outstanding endurance with minimal downtime.


Pricing and delivery


The new gimbal will ship in end of June, 2022.

Recommended selling price:
Zhiyun Weebill 3 EUR 539.90;-

Zhiyun Weebill 3 Combo EUR 639.90;-



For further information, please contact raimonds.sauss@focusnordic.lv


Key specifications


  • New sling design that reduces fatigue
  • Support most professional cameras
  • Built-in microphone and a powerful LED (1000 lumen)
  • Quick-release plate with embedded magnetic wrench
  • Powerful battery that will last 21hrs
  • Supports PD charging
  • Lightweight

Par mums Focus Nordic – Latvia

Focus Nordic ir lielākais foto preču produktu izplatītājs Eiropā. Mūsu klāsts ietver daudzus no spēcīgākajiem zīmoliem gan kameru, gan optikas, gan piederumu ziņā. Mēs pārstāvam tādus zīmolus kā Zeiss, Tamron, Ricoh/Pentax, Rotolight, Samyang, Lexar, Transcend, Delkin, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kodak, Kenko, Sirui, Hollyland, Kowa, Steiner, Ilford, Nissin, NiSi, Ledgo, Orca, Saramonic, Zhiyun u.c. Bez tam, mūsu piedāvājumā ir daudzi produkti zem Focus zīmola. Mūsu biznesa koncepcija ir nodrošināt efektīvu produktu izplatīšanu tieši no mūsu pašu noliktavas, piegādājot mazumtirgotājiem Ziemeļvalstīs vislabākos produktus. Ar lieliem iepirkumiem visā Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas reģionā tiek apspriestas labākās cenas gan uz precēm, gan uz kravu pārvadājumiem. Mūsu mērķis ir būt pēc iespējas pilnīgākiem, mums šobrīd ir vairāk nekā 60 dažādu zīmolu, no kuriem daudzi ir "aparatūra", piemēram, kameras, videokameras, lēcas un optika. Focus Nordic aktīvi iestājas par labiem darba apstākļiem un labu mūsu piegādātāju sociālo stāvokli visā pasaulē. Caur mūsu dalību ‘’Sociālās Uzņēmējdarbības Atbilstības Iniciatīvu’’ (BSCI), mēs atbalstām organizācijas rīcības kodeksu. Tai jāietver tas, ka piegādātāji ievēro cilvēktiesības un atbilst piemērojamiem tiesību aktiem un noteikumiem. Mums kā importētājam un aģentam ir svarīgi, lai mūsu pārdotie produkti tiktu ražoti ētiski, sociāli un ekoloģiski atbildīgi. Pateicoties sadarbībai BSCI, mums ir iespēja izvirzīt iepriekš minētās prasības mūsu piegādātājiem.


Raimonds Saušs
Country Manager
Raimonds Saušs