2022-03-23 13:00Preses relīze

A new creative lighting from Nanlite

Nanlite PavoBulb10CNanlite PavoBulb10C

Nanlite continues to release innovative LED lightings for content creators that will help them boost their creativity. The new PavoBulb 10C replaces your standard lamps with LED lighting adapted for flicker-free film production. It is a new, creative and compact way of lighting without having to make room for large and bulky LED lightings.


The PavoBulb 10C comes with a super large angle diffuser and accomplishes cinema-grade color reproduction with state-of-the-art RGBWW color-mixing technology. It features a wide CCT range of 2700-7500K, G/M adjustments, accurate rendition of 36000 colors and 15 customizable special effects.


The new LED bulb is extremely easy to use, brightness/CCT/HUE adjustments can easily be adjusted with a three-button on-board control. Fine-tuning requirements from creators can also be met with wired, DMX/RDM and wireless control via the Nanlink app.


PavoBulb 10C offers many power supply options, including E27 socket AC input and USB Type-C input. It´s easy to connect the PavoBulb 10C via a traditional E27 socket. This allows you to power the bulb directly via the socket. The bulb can also be powered via USB Type-C, this means that you don’t have to connect the table lamp to an electrical outlet but can power it directly via a battery adapter (optional) or a powerbank.


The new LED bulb comes in a 1,4 and 12 pcs light kit.


Pricing and delivery

The new LED will start ship in April 2022.

Nanlite PavoBulb 10C 1 light kit EUR 95,90;-

Nanlite PavoBulb 10C 4 light kit EUR 599,90;-

Nanlite PavoBulb 10C 12 light kit EUR 1.659,90;-


For further information, please contact raimonds.sauss@focusnordic.lv


Key specifications

  • Replaces standard lamps with LED lighting adapted for flicker-free film production
  • State-of-the-art RGBWW color-mixing technology
  • Compact
  • Powered via E27 socket
  • CCT range of 2700-7500K
  • Wireless control
  • CRI of 95 and TLCI of 97

Par mums Focus Nordic – Latvia

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Raimonds Saušs
Country Manager
Raimonds Saušs