2019-09-11 12:01Pressiteade

​Samyang toob välja uue objektiivide seeria professionaalsetele filmiloojatele


Uus Xeen CF seeria (Compact & Flexible) on valgusjõuliste kinoobjektiivide seeria filmitegijatele, kes soovivad hea hinnaga filmilikke kaadreid. Esimestena tulevad välja 24, 50 ja 85mm fookuskaugusega T1.5 objektiivid.

Uudseks teeb need objektiivid nende kompaktsus ning süsinikkiu kasutamine kaalu vähendamise eesmärgiga.

Süsinikkiu kasutamine võimaldab vähendada objektiivi kaalu võrreldes eelmise põlvkonnaga ligikaudu 20%.

Xeen CF objektiiviseeria on loodud täiskaadrisensoriga kaameratele ning neid valmistatakse PL, Sony E ja Canon EF kaameratele.

Optiliselt on uue seeria objektiivid valmis kasutamiseks 8K kaameratega. X-Coating Tehnoloogia tagab teravuse, kontrastsuse ning filmiliku kujutise.

Xeen CF objektiive esitletakse IBC messil 13.-17. septembril ning nad saabuvad müügile 2019. aasta sügise jooksul.

Lisainformatsioon: richard.viidalepp@focusnordic.ee

Hind ja saadavus

Samyang Xeen CF 24 / 50 / 85mm. Saabuvad müügile 2019. aasta sügisel.

Samyang Xeen CF 24mm. Soovituslik jaehind: 2023,- €

Samyang Xeen CF 50mm. Soovituslik jaehind: 2023,- €

Samyang Xeen CF 85mm. Soovituslik jaehind: 2023,- €

Kokkuvõte olulisimatest omadustest

  • Kompaktne ja kerge disain
  • Loodud täiskaadrisensoriga kaameratele, sobivad kasutamiseks ka APS-C mõõdus sensoriga kaameratega.
  • Laiad teravustamis- ja ava seadmise rattad mugavaks käsitsemiseks.
  • Fluorestseeruvad tähistused korpusel.
  • Samyang X-Coating Tehnoloogia.

Focus Nordic is the largest distributor of photographic products in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Our range includes many of the strongest brands, both in terms of cameras, binoculars and accessories.

We represent Lowepro, Joby, Zeiss, Samyang, Rotolight, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kenko, Sirui, 360fly, Kowa, Saramonic etc. In addition, there are many products under our own brand Focus.

Our business concept is to have an effective distribution directly from our own warehouse, supplying retailers in the Nordic and Baltic region with the best products. By big purchases for the entire Nordic and Baltic region, the best prices, both on products and freight are negotiated.

At Focus Nordic, we take an active stand for good working conditions and a good social situation of our suppliers worldwide.

Through our membership of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), we support the organization's code of conduct. It should include ensuring that suppliers respect human rights and complies with applicable laws and regulations.

Teave Focus Nordic – Estonia

Focus Nordic is the largest distributor of photographic products in the Nordic and Baltic region. Our range includes many of the strongest brands, both in terms of cameras, binoculars and accessories. We represent Lowepro, Joby, Zeiss, Samyang, Rotolight, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kenko, Sirui, 360fly, Kowa, etc. In addition, there are many products under our own brand Focus. Our business concept is to have an effective distribution directly from our own warehouse, supplying retailers in the Nordic and Baltic region with the best products. By big purchases for the entire Nordic and Baltic region, the best prices, both on products and freight are negotiated. At Focus Nordic, we take an active stand for good working conditions and a good social situation of our suppliers worldwide. Through our membership of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), we support the organization's code of conduct. It should include ensuring that suppliers respect human rights and complies with applicable laws and regulations.


Richard Viidalepp
Area Manager Estonia
Richard Viidalepp