Focus Nordic jätkab tooteportfelli laiendamist uute foto- ja videotoodetega. Lume Cube, olles uueks kaubamärgiks Baltikumis ja Põhjamaades, pakub unikaalset valgustuslahendust nutitelefonidele, kaameratele, droonidele ja GoPro®´le
Väike kuubikukujuline lamp toob muutuse
Korralik valgus on filmimisel ja pildistamisel hea pildikvaliteedi eelduseks kuid siiani puudus väike ning paindlik lahendus seikluskaamerate ning droonidega kasutamiseks. Uus, vaid 1,5-tollise küljepikkusega kuup Lume Cube täidab oma kompaktsuse ning valgusjõuga paljude jaoks selle tühiku.
Maailma esimene
Lume Cube on esimene omataoline toode turul. Ta avardab pildistamise ja video salvestamise võimalusi ning võimaldab tuua vaatajateni võtted, mida siiani ei olnud võimalik jäädvustada.
Hind ja saadavus
Lume Cube tuleb müügile kolmes värvitoonis: hall, hõbedane ja must ning samuti erinevate komplektidena. Kas kaks või neli valgustit pakendis ning erinevate kinnitusvariantidega kasutamiseks seikluskaameratega nagu näiteks GoPro®, droonide ning telefonidega. Lume Cube on saadaval alates juuni keskpaigast alljärgneva soovitusliku hinnaga:
Lume Cube, EUR 99
Focus Nordic is the largest distributor of photographic products in the Nordic and Baltic region.
Our range includes many of the strongest brands, both in terms of cameras, binoculars and accessories.
We represent Lowepro, Joby, Zeiss, Samyang, DxO One, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kenko, Sirui, 360fly, Kowa, etc. In addition, there are many products under our own brand Focus.
Our business concept is to have an effective distribution directly from our own warehouse, supplying retailers in the Nordic and Baltic region with the best products. By big purchases for the entire Nordic and Baltic region, the best prices, both on products and freight are negotiated.
At Focus Nordic, we take an active stand for good working conditions and a good social situation of our suppliers worldwide.
Through our membership of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), we support the organization's code of conduct. It should include ensuring that suppliers respect human rights and complies with applicable laws and regulations.
Focus Nordic is the largest distributor of photographic products in the Nordic and Baltic region. Our range includes many of the strongest brands, both in terms of cameras, binoculars and accessories. We represent Lowepro, Joby, Zeiss, Samyang, Rotolight, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kenko, Sirui, 360fly, Kowa, etc. In addition, there are many products under our own brand Focus. Our business concept is to have an effective distribution directly from our own warehouse, supplying retailers in the Nordic and Baltic region with the best products. By big purchases for the entire Nordic and Baltic region, the best prices, both on products and freight are negotiated. At Focus Nordic, we take an active stand for good working conditions and a good social situation of our suppliers worldwide. Through our membership of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), we support the organization's code of conduct. It should include ensuring that suppliers respect human rights and complies with applicable laws and regulations.