Kodaki kemikaalid on mustvalge ja värvifilmi ning piltide ilmutamiseks olnud aastakümneid nii entusiastide kui ka professionaalide jaoks eelistatuimaks valikuks. Paljud fotoajaloo klassikaks saanud pildid on ilmutatud legendaarse D-76´ga.
Juba peaaegu aasta on kemikaalide kättesaadavus olnud keeruline ning tihti on olnud keeruline leida seda ilmutit, millega ollakse harjunud. Focus Nordicul on väga hea meel teada anda, et Kodak on taas alustanud filmide töötlemiseks vajalike kemikaalide tootmist.
Varasemast tuntud koostisega kemikaalid leiate nüüd uuendatud pakenditest. Esimestena tulevad müügile Kodaki kõige populaarsemad mustvalgete filmide töötlemise kemikaalid:
Meie lattu saabub esimene partii keemiat augustis. Värvikeemia nii negatiivide kui ka E-6 protsessi jaoks jõuab huvilisteni samuti veel käesoleval aastal.
Lisateave: richard.viidalepp@focusnordic.ee
Focus Nordic is the largest distributor of photographic products in the Nordic and Baltic region. Our range includes many of the strongest brands, both in terms of cameras, binoculars and accessories. We represent Zeiss, Samyang, Rotolight, Panasonic, Polaroid, Kodak, Kenko, Sirui, Ledgo, Hollyland, Feelworld, NiSi, Lexar, Delkin, Saramonic, Kowa, etc. In addition, there are many products under our own brand Focus. Our business concept is to have an effective distribution directly from our own warehouse, supplying retailers in the Nordic and Baltic region with the best products. By big purchases for the entire Nordic and Baltic region, the best prices, both on products and freight are negotiated. At Focus Nordic, we take an active stand for good working conditions and a good social situation of our suppliers worldwide. Through our membership of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), we support the organization's code of conduct. It should include ensuring that suppliers respect human rights and complies with applicable laws and regulations.