It´s time to tell a story before knowing how it ends. The Forest Refine project started 2012 and 2014 is our final year. Every story has a history and Forest Refine is only a two year chapter in a ten year cross border cooperation between partners in Sweden and Finland. However there is no plan today to end the cooperation between countries that are front runners in knowledge about forestry. To be competitive it is of vital importance to continue to developed efficient supply chains for new and old forest industries.
However, it´s time to reach out with the results from our common work from this chapter. This spring we arrange cross border seminars to take place in Vaasa 8th April and in Umeå the day after:
The cost for harvest, transport, storing and handling often represents half of the overall cost for bio refining. To be competitive - large amounts of the biomass can be used as fuels, while smaller but economically significant amounts are further refined to products of higher value. I believe, we need to see increased cooperation between different research disciplines and new business models to make bio refineries commercial in the future says Magnus Matisons project manager of Forest Refine.
BioFuel Region är en medlemsägd icke-vinstdrivande organisation. Vi bidrar till en fossilfri fordonsflotta och en utvecklad bioekonomi genom att initiera, koordinera och samverka i projekt. Våra medlemmar finns i de fyra nordligaste länen och vi samarbetar med offentlig sektor, näringsliv samt forskning och utveckling. Finansieringen sker via medlemsavgifter, regionala medel och projektmedel och idag arbetar åtta personer i Umeå.