2023-05-22 12:26Nyheter

Study visit about biogas production in Finland

Cecilia Palmborg, SLU, examining the biogas production processCecilia Palmborg, SLU, examining the biogas production process

In April, Boost Nordic Biogas went on a study visit to three biogas producers in Finland. The project group, along with partners and stakeholders from Sweden, Norway, and Finland, participated in the tour. The visit was a step towards achieving the main objectives of Boost Nordic Biogas; to gain insights into the operations of biogas producers, identify challenges, and explore solutions through research, technology, networks, and knowledge sharing. 

Boost Nordic Biogas focuses on engaging biogas producers and entrepreneurs in the northern regions of Sweden, Finland, and Norway to exchange experiences and contribute to the development and innovation of the biogas sector. 

Our visit to Finland highlighted the different conditions faced by biogas producers in terms of business models and production layout. It also provided a space for knowledge sharing and networking among stakeholder who face similar challenges. We hope to do similar visits in Sweden and Norway in the near future.

Read the full version of our newsletter where you can learn more about the project and the three biogas producers we visited: Boost Nordic Biogas Newsletter#2

To read more about Boost Nordic Biogas go to our home page. We also have a Facebook group with Swedish interesting news and updates, named Biogas norr

Sustanability Development Goals for Boost Nordic Biogas

Boost Nordic Biogas main focus is contributing to SDGs 7, 9 and 13.

Boost Nordic Biogas is a part of #EUinmyregion.

Om BioFuel Region

BioFuel Region är en medlemsägd icke-vinstdrivande organisation. Vi bidrar till en fossilfri fordonsflotta och en utvecklad bioekonomi genom att initiera, koordinera och samverka i projekt. Våra medlemmar finns i de fyra nordligaste länen och vi samarbetar med offentlig sektor, näringsliv samt forskning och utveckling. Finansieringen sker via medlemsavgifter, regionala medel och projektmedel och idag arbetar nio personer i Umeå.


Hanna Olovsson
Hanna Olovsson