2024-10-03 07:30Pressmeddelande

Energy recovery from waste – a crucial part of circular economy

ISWA Beacon

In November, Stockholm gathers researchers, strategists and development engineers to set out the direction for future waste incineration. Plants for energy recovery of waste can become important climate actors and contribute to the EU's goals regarding the circular economy. Now the conditions are set around their opportunities to act.

On November 27-28, the 12th edition of the Beacon Conference on Waste-to-Energy, an international conference, will be held. Participants from all over the world gather to discuss the central role of energy recovery in the circular waste management system. The focus is on the strategies, directives and technological advances required to achieve climate neutrality.

The conference will highlight energy recovery from a systems perspective, its role in the waste hierarchy and how it can play a positive role in meeting climate challenges. Experts will present current topics such as financing CCUS projects with biocredits and other controls, future treatment needs and waste streams for energy recovery, operational challenges and improvements, and the latest in bottom and fly ash treatment methods.

Participants also get the opportunity to take part in study visits and discover Swedish solutions in waste management and energy recovery.

The conference is a collaboration between Avfall Sverige and ISWA - International Solid Waste Association - with the support of the Swedish Energy Agency, and is aimed at stakeholders in the waste and energy sector both in Sweden and internationally.

The conference aims to develop sustainable system solutions for a fossil-free future in energy recovery.

You are warmly welcome to participate and contribute to the discussion on how energy recycling and waste management can promote a circular and sustainable future!

Where? Hilton Stockholm Slussen
When? 27–28 November

Program and registration https://bit.ly/3Vmnilc

Journalists have the opportunity to participate for free: contact Carolina Tufvesson carolina.tufvesson@avfallsverige.se

Om Avfall Sverige

Avfall Sverige är kommunernas branschorganisation inom avfallshantering. Det är Avfall Sveriges medlemmar som ser till att avfall tas om hand och återvinns i alla landets kommuner. Vi gör det på samhällets uppdrag: miljösäkert, hållbart och långsiktigt. Vår vision är “Det finns inget avfall”. Vi verkar för att förebygga att avfall uppstår och att mer återanvänds. Kommunerna och deras bolag är ambassadörer, katalysatorer och garanter för denna omställning.


Anna-Carin Gripwall
Anna-Carin Gripwall
Klas Svensson
Rådgivare för energiåtervinning
Klas Svensson