2020-04-23 08:30Blog post

What is "Fake news"? and a positive update from us

Dear colleagues,

Checking our sources when quoting or referring to a fact has been essential for us before and even more now in these Corona-times. We get overloaded with information every day. “Fake News” has been more or less patented by President Donald Trump, and he uses facts in his own way and for his own purposes to present himself in the best way possible. We have seen a lot of that in recent days. With everything that happens today, it is even more important to be critical to all the news being presented. Ester Pollack, a professor in journalism at Stockholm University, published last year the book “Källkritik! Journalistik i lögnens tid” in Swedish and have written an article we like to share. She expresses her thoughts on how to avoid “fake news” in these crisis times. You all work with facts every day, what are your thoughts? Feel free to share your thoughts or opinions.  

We have positive news in these challenging times; Abama Luxury Residences have chosen United Spirit Nordic as their PR company in the Nordic market.

Abama Luxury Residences is an apartment resort in Tenerife that has everything. The resort consists of apartments and aparthotel, Hotel Ritz Carlton, 12 restaurants with a total of 3 Michelin stars, 18-hole golf course, tennis courts, and even a children club. The resort has several areas where you can buy an apartment depending on size, style, and location. You can also be part of the prestigious Abama Prestige Owners Club that on a regular basis holds events and activities. A survey done before the crisis shows that over 50% of those that own an apartment at Abama Luxury Residences will stay there 4-7 times a year, and almost 60% use the apartment between 1 -3 months every year. And probably not by coincidence are 50% of the guest playing golf.

Attached is a presskit from Abama Luxury Residences, with pictures and facts about the resort and apartment. Please contact us if you would like to know more or need any other information about the resort. Or if you would like to talk about future visits.

Press trips with VIVA CruisesWe would also like to remind you that if you are interested in one or both of the press trips with VIVA Cruises we mentioned in our last blog post – we in the planning stage for both of them so make contact if you would like dates and program.

Future travel for media. To assist us and you to plan ahead post-corona, we would appreciate your feedback on our questionnaire about how the press will work post-crisis, you can still access the questionnaire here.

Stay safe and Kind regards from Christine and Titti,

About United Spirit Nordic

United Spirit Nordic on riippumaton matkailualan myynti-, markkinointi- ja PR-yritys. Pääkonttorimme sijaitsee Kööpenhaminassa, Tanskassa. Palvelumme kattavat Skandinavian ja Suomen sekä Baltian maat. Innovatiivisuus, toiminnallisuus, tavoitteellisuus ja johdonmukaisuus kuvaavat United Spirit Nordicin toimintaa, kuten myös käytännönläheisyys ja ystävällisyys. Sekä meidän että yhteistyökumppaneidemme tavoitteena on pitkän tähtäimen menestys. Olemme pieni tiimi, mutta laajan kokemuksemme avulla toteutamme menestyksekkäitä kampanjoita ammattitaitoisesti. Tarjoamme luotettavuutta, työmoraalia, jatkuvuutta ja motivaatiota.


Christine Engen
Creative Director & CEO
Christine Engen