2020-04-03 12:04Blog post

A new time and new opportunities

Dear media colleague,

We at United Spirit Nordic appreciate the positive response we had on our questionnaire last week and thank you to everyone that has taken the time to answer.

There was no surprise in that most of you, approx. 80%, had press trips planned for the next three months, which of course of natural reasons have been canceled. What is interesting to read is that, if all measurements to avoid spreading the COVID 19 in our countries are working, most of you would like to do press trips already for summer (June -August) and Autumn (September – November). That is very positive news and also gives us opportunities to check with our partners to make some plans ahead.

We could also read that your top destinations or continents you like to visit for your next press trip are Africa with the Middle East, Europe, South East Asia, and the Caribbean.

If you missed out on our questionnaire in the previous blog post, we still would like to have more answers coming in – it only takes 3-4 minutes to answer and would really appreciate your participation.

Here is the link to the questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UnitedSpiritNordic

One of the last products we introduced before the whole COVID 19 crisis, was VIVA Cruises. VIVA Cruises is known for its river cruises on Europe’s famous rivers like Donau, Elbe, Mosel, Rhine, Rhone, Seine and Maine -Donau channel.

If you don’t know VIVA Cruises - have a look on their 360 degrees view of VIVA TIARA

We are now talking with VIVA Cruises on what to do in the Nordic market and in planning two possible press trips. Of course, all with the proviso that traveling in Europe has returned back to normal as possible, and we can travel again.

The first press trip will be a cruise on the Rhine with SWISS CROWN starting in Düsseldorf. It is a 4 nights cruise ending in Rotterdam. The second press trip will be a five-night Christmas market cruise on Donau with VIVA TIARA

If any of these trips is of any interest, you have a platform, magazine, blog and there is an interesting opportunity for you – contact us with suggestions. We are open to ideas and would like to hear from you.

Kind regards

Christine and Titti

About United Spirit Nordic

United Spirit Nordic on riippumaton matkailualan myynti-, markkinointi- ja PR-yritys. Pääkonttorimme sijaitsee Kööpenhaminassa, Tanskassa. Palvelumme kattavat Skandinavian ja Suomen sekä Baltian maat. Innovatiivisuus, toiminnallisuus, tavoitteellisuus ja johdonmukaisuus kuvaavat United Spirit Nordicin toimintaa, kuten myös käytännönläheisyys ja ystävällisyys. Sekä meidän että yhteistyökumppaneidemme tavoitteena on pitkän tähtäimen menestys. Olemme pieni tiimi, mutta laajan kokemuksemme avulla toteutamme menestyksekkäitä kampanjoita ammattitaitoisesti. Tarjoamme luotettavuutta, työmoraalia, jatkuvuutta ja motivaatiota.


Christine Engen
Creative Director & CEO
Christine Engen