2023-04-08 08:00Pressmeddelande

The Swedish stallion performance test has been decided

Just over 70 stallions lined up and 26 were named premium. The winner of the stallion performance test in dressage was the Franklin son Knockando VH and in jumping it was Chaccafly CL who got the most points.


During one week the Swedish Warmblood Associations stallion tests were conducted at Ridskolan Strömsholm. The number of registered stallions for the test was the highest in many years with over 70 horses in the starting order. Of the stallions that completed the test, 26 received the breeding classification "premium", which means that the stallion met the high requirements regarding performance as well as exterior and health. Another 28 stallions were approved for breeding with the classification "accepted".


Every year, a winner of the stallion’s performance test is chosen. It is the 4-year-old stallions who during the week collected the most points in jumping and dressage This year, Knockando VH e. Franklin u. De la Reinne VH (31) (SWB), breeder: Västra Hoby Studeri, owner: Västra Hoby Stuteri and Helgstrand Dressage was the stallion that was sharpest on the gait side. Among the jumping stallions, it was Chaccafly CL e. Chacfly PS u. Evista – Quiwi Dream, breeder: Carsten Lauck owner: Lövsta Stuteri that received the highest rating.




Premium stallions: 

Devin Franco GJ (SWB) 1472
Santorio (SWB) 1473
Avec F (SWB) 1474
Knockando VH (SWB)
Blue Hors Storm 1476
Severucci Ht (SWB) 1477
Sudooro (SWB) 1478
Chaccafly CL 1479
Chou Blue 1480
Janeiro de Bieville 1481
Nixion VLS Z 1482
Plot Pearl Zäta JL (SWB) 1483
Me-K van Kattenheye 1453
Oneofakind OM (SWB)
Caribbean Blue 1427
Lloyd (SWB) 1428
Naestro SC (SWB) 1484
Neil Young 1485
Million's Grey 1486
Sorrento HQS 1406
Asterix de Couleur 1487
Bluff ter Doorn Z 1488
Jacaret FFH 1489
Oxford VDL 1490
Racoon 1491
Valentino Boy 1492

Om Swedish Warmblood Association

SWB är en rikstäckande avelsorganisation med syfte att stödja och utveckla avel, uppfödning, utbildning och marknadsföring av svenska varmblodiga hästar. Swedish Warmblood är internationellt konkurrenskraftiga i hoppning, dressyr och fälttävlan. Svenska varmblod i världsklass produceras av våra SWB -uppfödare. De står för en lång tradition av naturlig och hållbar avel av moderna rid- och sporthästar.


Anna Nyström