2022-10-07 20:50Pressmeddelande

Another record set for the SWB Elite Foal Auction!

For two weeks in a row, the SWB Elite Foal Auction has broken its own record.
Last week, seller Maria Hedvall´s  number 19. Bijou (SWB) by Be Shure, out of former dressage World Champion Totilas was sold for 67 000€.

This year, the SWB Elite Foal Auction is taking place for the fifteenth consecutive year this year, and for the showjumping auction the record was set once again. It was foal number 21. Comitissa de Chacoon F (SWB) (by Chaccon Blue, out of Contessa (SWB) – Orlando) seller Eva Gudmundsson. Comitissa de Chacoon F (SWB) ended on a hammer price of €72,000! 

A total of 24 foals were sold for €334,500 on the showjumping auction which gives an average of just under €14,000 per foal. At the dressage foal auction a total of 27 foals where sold for just above 379 000€, which is an average of just over €14 000 per foal.

- We are so happy that we dared to do a hybrid auction this year, says Helén Uddefors, SWB's CEO. She continues; It has been very hard work to prepare and to set all the details, but with this outcome two weeks in a row, it feels absolutely fantastic!

- It is a fine proof that our Swedish breeders breed horses of absolute top European quality, with marelines one could die for, she concludes.

Om Swedish Warmblood Association

SWB är en rikstäckande avelsorganisation med syfte att stödja och utveckla avel, uppfödning, utbildning och marknadsföring av svenska varmblodiga hästar. Swedish Warmblood är internationellt konkurrenskraftiga i hoppning, dressyr och fälttävlan. Svenska varmblod i världsklass produceras av våra SWB -uppfödare. De står för en lång tradition av naturlig och hållbar avel av moderna rid- och sporthästar.


Ellinor Andersson
Kommunikation & Marknadsföring
Ellinor Andersson