2024-01-31 08:56Pressmeddelande

Genovis wins SwedenBIO Award for high-quality research and successful global presence.

Genovis AB won the SwedenBIO award 2023Genovis AB won the SwedenBIO award 2023

High-quality research, global presence and humor were some of the positive words describing the company Genovis, which claimed this year’s SwedenBIO Award. 

Genovis' CEO, Fredrik Olsson, received the award in a prize ceremony during SwedenBIO Summit at Grand Hôtel in Stockholm on 30th January.  

Genovis was founded in 1999 and has since then grown significantly. The company is developing and supplying innovative enzyme and antibody solutions that enable higher efficiency in the development and characterization of biopharma and ATMP products. With the customer in focus, the company has established a global presence and entered several international partnerships which has leveraged the product development. Genovis made their way to the market with a unique combination of high-quality research and humor, which is now a successful part of their brand. 

“The award is a fantastic acknowledgement after years of teamwork to develop Genovis. We’ve been very good at building up the company over the years and to become internationally successful”, Fredrik Olsson, the CEO of Genovis said. 

The SwedenBIO Award is given annually in collaboration with HealthCap to a life-science company that has shown outstanding achievements and contributions to society and that exemplifies the potential of a strong Swedish life-science industry. This year’s three award finalists were Genovis,  Xbrane Biopharma and Pelago BioScience.  

“Life science is a tough industry where success doesn’t come easy, which is why it’s important to celebrate when things turn out the right way. Sponsoring the SwedenBIO award is our way of bringing people together to celebrate when things turn out well, said Carl Kilander, Partner at HealthCap, who handed out the award onstage at the summit. 

The jury consisted of SwedenBIO’s board: Lotta Ljungqvist, 4L Bioconsulting; Christine Wesström, Sobi; Anders Persson, AstraZeneca; Kerstin Falck, Pfizer; Mårten Winge, Strike Pharma; Niels Abel Bonde, Novo Nordisk Sweden; Carl Kilander, HealthCap; Sana Alajmovic, Sigrid Therapeutics; and Torkel Gren, Recipharm. 

Om SwedenBIO

Branschorganisationen SwedenBIO arbetar för en konkurrenskraftig life science-sektor i Sverige. Vi gör det genom att skapa effektiva kontaktytor mellan sektorns olika aktörer, genom att bygga kunskap och genom att ge branschen en stark röst i samhällsdebatten.   Våra mer än 330 medlemsföretag bedriver verksamhet inom läkemedelsutveckling, bioteknik, medicinteknik och diagnostik eller är experter inom bland annat affärsutveckling, finansiering, immaterialrätt och juridik.


Jessica Martinsson
CEO & Director General
Jessica Martinsson
Afram Yakoub
Communications Manager
Afram Yakoub