2017-01-09 09:51Bloggpost

Reminiscing about the good ol’ times


2016 was one heck of a ride. Reflecting over the year past we’ve come to realize there were a few moments that will always remain in our memory. Here’s our top moments and inspiration for our bigger, better 2017 –

  1. The time we took a huge step towards our goal of becoming a complete glove supplier. We’ve given our product range a lot of thought and came to the conclusion in the beginning of 2016 that we need to re-shift our focus to gloves. We wanted to get back to our roots and give our loyal customers the royal treating they deserve with our expertise and service.

    Now when we look at what we’ve accomplished the last 12 months we’re happy to see we’ve come far towards our goal. We’re not there yet, but we keep working until we’ve reached our destination.


  2. The time we had collaboration with the breast cancer foundation and developed a pink glove. The custom made pink glove is a dear product to us and hopefully to a lot of other people as well. Because for every sold pair we give 5 SEK to The Swedish Breast Cancer Foundation and being able to help them, and all the women suffering from breast cancer is a great way of giving something back to all the women in our lives.


  4. The time we launched our Private Brand project. This project is probably our biggest and most valued project for our customers to date – at least it’s definitely one of our most fun projects to work with.


  6. The time we launched our new e-commerce site. The new Soft Touch website got a much needed face lift in the beginning of last year. The newest version included interactivity, completing our safety guide as well as making it easier to understand all of the safety features on our products.

    The new look and user friendly function was a huge step forward for our online presence.


  7. The time four new colleagues joined our team. And of course our new co-workers are a big achievement for the company. We’re lucky and happy to have expanded our team with three new salesmen and a new online marketer completing our team perfectly.

These are the memories we’re going to remember and let inspire us for a brand new, exciting 2017. Which one's your favorite?

Om Soft Touch AB

Soft Touch AB är specialister på tillverkning av arbetshandskar med anor från 1913. Varumärket Soft Touch® utmärker sig genom högsta kvalitet vad avser materialval och design. Ergonomi, funktionalitet och slitstyrka är ledorden i detta sortiment. Handskar som utmärks genom hög kvalitet men med ett mer standardiserat materialval och design, marknadsförs under varumärket ProTec®. Varje handskmodell är framtagen med eftertanke för att vara flexibel där det behövs eller specialiserad när så krävs. Idag är Soft Touch ett ledande varumärke på handskar av alla de slag och sortimentet utökas ständigt med nya modeller i takt med att företaget produktutvecklar. Företaget har sitt säte i Partille.


Andreas Linder
Andreas Linder
Michael Cederkvist
Michael Cederkvist
Magnus Gustafsson
Magnus Gustafsson