Jönköping-based company Sweratel is one of the major participants in the Conakry ICT Network Rollout Event 8-9 May 2014.
Guinea organizes a seminar highlighting the possibilities and potentials of the connected society. Participating in the event are the Guinean Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication, the Swedish Embassy of West Africa, VDC Telecom, Pure Mobility International and Sweratel AB. During the seminar the official roll-out of the Sweratel based ”Zoom”-network in the Jamal Abdel Nasser University in Conakry will be celebrated.
- ICT infrastructure is revolutionizing our way of living and creates new opportunities for development. Looking at similarities in challenges faced when developing broadband infrastructure such as geographical and population sizes, coverage of rural areas and the ambitious targets established; Sweden, Canada and Conakry have strong mutual interests in cooperation in these fields says Mohammed Fahd, CEO of Sweratel.
Sweratel has developed a complete cloud-managed carrier-grade WiFi-network solution built on own RTWIP-core technology and the installation in Conakry, Guinea is one of the most recent international cases.
Sweratel is a member of the Business Incubator Programme at Science Park Jönköping.
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