2020-06-05 08:01Press release

Sandra Sundbäck new CEO of Paper Province

Sandra Sundbäck, incoming CEO of Swedish Bioeconomy cluster Paper Province.Sandra Sundbäck, incoming CEO of Swedish Bioeconomy cluster Paper Province.

Sandra Sundbäck has been appointed CEO of the Swedish bioeconomy cluster Paper Province. Sandra Sundbäck takes up her new position in August, when she takes over as cluster leader after Maria Hollander.

Sandra Sundbäck currently works as Sustainability and Communications Manager at Volvo Construction Equipment in Arvika, Sweden.

“I am very excited to take on this new challenge and to work with Paper Province for a sustainable future. My strongest qualities are networking, building relationships and my communicative leadership, which are all important parts of this role”, says Sandra Sundbäck.

Leadership roles

Sandra Sundbäck has held various leadership positions also before working at Volvo. She has studied communication, sustainability and political science and has a background as moderator and professional speaker.

"For me, Paper Province is an important cluster for putting the bioeconomy and innovation on the map," she says.

Looking forward to learning

Paper Province is a world leading bioeconomy cluster with more than 100 member companies who work to find sustainable solutions that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. Sandra Sundbäck sees the membership issues as very important.

“The unifying power and expertise of more than a hundred member companies is an incredible strength. I am looking forward to learning more about everything that is being done within the cluster and can hardly wait to get started”, she says.

Paper Province Chairman Ola Brundin has been involved throughout the process and is very pleased.

“We are delighted to have recruited Sandra Sundbäck as the new CEO of Paper Province. Sandra's background as a network-driven communicator and leader is a perfect match for the task of taking Paper Province into the future”, he says.

More information and contact


Sandra Sundbäck
Incoming CEO of Paper Province
+46 (0)70-259 95 62

Annica Åman
Communications Manager Paper Province
+46 (0)70-250 94 43

High resolution photo available for download here>


About Paper Province

Paper Province is a world-leading business cluster within the forest bio-economy. We are owned and operated by more than 100 member companies. The cluster is based in Karlstad, Sweden, and mainly operates in the province of Värmland and the surrounding area, but also nationally and globally. Together with our member companies we work towards sustainable development with focus on innovation, skilled work force, internationalization and regional mobilization.


Annica Åman
Annica Åman