2020-10-12 09:23Press release

White Ravens 2020: The Worm

Last week, this year's White Ravens list was announced, with their great selection of beautiful books. We're extra happy to tell you that The Worm (Masken), written by Marie Oskarsson & Jeeva Raghunath and illustrated by Kenneth Andersson was selcted fot the list. 

Please contact us if you're interested in more information about hte book. 

About Opal Agency

Opal Agency is a Swedish literary agency representing the translation rights for books published by Bokförlaget Opal and Vox by Opal. We handle books for children and young adults with a clear quality profile, both fiction and non-fiction, illustrated and text-only.


Melin Nordstrand
Foreign Rights Manager
Melin Nordstrand
Anja Eriksson
Foreign Rights Manager
Anja Eriksson