2022-10-17 08:36Press release

White Raven 2022: Disco

Disco_white ravenDisco_white raven

We are delighted to inform you that the picture book Disco by Amanda Jonsson has been selected for White Ravens 2022!

In the newly released White Ravens 2022 catalogue the following is said about the book:

With a lot of empathy, Amanda Jonsson describes children’s (or rather human beings’!) experiences of frustration, their high expectations and great disappointments, which may be turned into something positive in the end.

Amanda Jonsson won the Bengt Christell prize in 2020 with Sally Sulks (Sally surar). Her follow up, Disco, is just as on point regarding children’s inner feelings.

Please contact us for further information.


About Opal Agency

Opal Agency is a Swedish literary agency representing the translation rights for books published by Bokförlaget Opal and Vox by Opal. We handle books for children and young adults with a clear quality profile, both fiction and non-fiction, illustrated and text-only.


Melin Nordstrand
Foreign Rights Manager
Melin Nordstrand
Anja Eriksson
Foreign Rights Manager
Anja Eriksson