2020-10-01 13:24News

Rights Guide 2020/2021

Hello All!

Although we are sorry not getting the chance to meet you all at the different bookfairs this year, we are glad to be able to show you our new rights guide. We hope that you will find it interesting. 

If you wish, we are available for virtual meetings. Just send an email and we'll find a suitable time. If you just want to take a closer look at any pdf:s, let us know and we will send it to you!

We're looking forward to hear from you, and hope 2021 will come with the opportunity to meet for real again. 


Melina & Anja 



About Opal Agency

Opal Agency is a Swedish literary agency representing the translation rights for books published by Bokförlaget Opal, Berghs Förlag, and Vox by Opal. We handle books for children and young adults with a clear quality profile, both fiction and non-fiction, illustrated and text-only.


Melin Nordstrand
Foreign Rights Manager
Melin Nordstrand
Anja Eriksson
Foreign Rights Manager
Anja Eriksson