Palletizing is a labor intensive, repetitive and unergonomic task, which makes it ideally suited to automation.
OnRobot ́s long-stroke robotic lift extends and future-proofs palletizing and manufacturing applications. With its durable design that is certified for long, reliable use under all typical manufacturing conditions. The palletizing solution is a High-payload lift with a minimal deflection that ensures precise positioning, even at high speeds.
The integrated safety features with stop-functionality for collaborative deployment support a wide range of leading robot brands and sizes.The Lift 100 can be used in any application where additional vertical reach is needed for the robot arm (e.g., stacking of objects other than palletizing, picking/placing parts on shelves, racks, etc.)
Whether the Lift100 is needed for additional reach, will depend on the specific application requirements:
Fixtures and sensors for pallets are something that robotic system integrators have traditionally designed and constructed themselves. We provide a cost-effective alternative with an attractive design, that will help save time and speed up deployment. Durable pallet fixture that can withstand hits from stackers and trucks and helps with pallet positioning for more reliable palletizing jobs.
Off-the-shelf fixture saves significant engineering effort and shortens deployment time.Along with the lift a new gripper 2FGP20 has been released in January. OnRobot ́s 2FGP20 is a versatile electric gripper for palletizing heavy cardboard boxes, open boxes, and other containers that cannot be gripped with a vacuum.
Integrated vacuum gripper handles slip sheets without changing the gripper or requiring other handling method.
Ideal for:
Highly versatile palletizing gripper with wide stroke and customizable arms.
2018. gada jūnijā tika dibināts globālais uzņēmums “OnRobot”, apvienojoties dāņu uzņēmumam “OnRobot”, ungāru uzņēmumam "OptoForce" un amerikāņu uzņēmumam “Perception Robotics”. Pēc neilga laika dāņu uzņēmums “Purple Robotics” arī tika sveikts šajā grupā. 2019. gada aprīlī tika iegūti uzņēmumam “Blue Workforce” piederošie IP aktīvi. Katrs uzņēmums bija zināms saistībā ar unikālu tehnoloģiju izstrādi sadarbības lietojumprogrammām, un kopā tie veido milzīgu nozares labāko rīku kopkatalogu. Rīki ietver satvērējus, sensorus, rīku nomainītājus un programmatūru, kas ļauj maziem un vidējiem ražotājiem automatizēt to procesus kā nekad iepriekš – ātri, efektīvi un izdevīgi.