2022-09-15 11:05Paziņojums presei

New OnRobot Software

Gamechanger: New OnRobot Software Frees Up 80% of Time Spent on Deploying Robotics Automation

As key people from the robot industry in Central and Northern Europe gathered in the ‘robot capital’ Odense, Denmark, they were introduced to OnRobot’s new software D:PLOY. The groundbreaking software enables the automation of large parts of programming normally required before a robotic solution goes into operation.

80% of the time that automation distributors, system integrators and businesses spend on installing robot solutions can be freed up through software automation. This was the clear message that European robotics vendors received during OnRobot’s Partner Summit event in Odense.

“With D: PLOY, we will expand the automation market significantly by making it much faster to get a robot solution up and running,” says Enrico Krog Iversen, CEO of OnRobot, explaining how the software makes it much more affordable even for smaller companies and organizations to realize an automation potential. “We are growing the market for our partners by lowering the automation barriers, which also eliminates internal competition amongst our partners. Instead, they can focus on helping even more companies in the manufacturing industry overcome some of the many challenges they currently face.”

Krog Iversen hosted the Summit attended by more than 100 robot experts from 15 countries that all got a sneak peek at OnRobot's upcoming products as they visited the Danish robot company in June. So far, OnRobot has primarily been known as a hardware vendor. In recent years - despite the pandemic - the company has launched 12 new products primarily within robotic grippers, vision and processing tools for mounting on robotic arms and in automation cells. But with the launch of D:PLOY, anticipated in late 2022, OnRobot lauches software that makes much of the manual robot programming redundant, thereby eliminating the threat that high mix-low volume production with frequent changeovers becomes unprofitable and unmanageable to automate.

OnRobot partners from the UK, the Nordics and Central Europe received D:PLOY with great curiosity and engagement. When D:PLOY is rolled out, users of OnRobot's new software will have a compute box and a cloud solution installed, explained Vikram Kumar, General Manager, OnRobot and elaborated:

“China is investing heavily in automation, so we need to wake up here in Europe. Only nine percent of the world's automation potential is realized today, so we and our partners can work together to deliver optimization,” he said, estimating that there are 15 million manual workstations in Europe that could be advantageously automated by collaborative robot technology to ease the burden on employees. By 2050, Europe will have 95 million fewer people in employment than today, and there is already a great shortage of labor in many industries.

OnRobot has already launched a precursor of the new robotic programming approach with the software for its new palletizing solution, the OnRobot Palletizer, presented at the trade shows Automate and Automatica, in Detroit and Munich, respectively. Here, visitors can get a hands-on introduction to how deployment becomes significantly more intuitive and time-saving.

Facts about OnRobot:

• 170 employees

• 10 offices

• Nearly 700 partners

• Present in 42 countries

• 18 products currently sold

• Provides solutions that can be used with robots from 14 different manufacturers

• 40 percent sales growth globally January - May 2022 compared to the same period in 2021.


Par OnRobot

2018. gada jūnijā tika dibināts globālais uzņēmums “OnRobot”, apvienojoties dāņu uzņēmumam “OnRobot”, ungāru uzņēmumam "OptoForce" un amerikāņu uzņēmumam “Perception Robotics”. Pēc neilga laika dāņu uzņēmums “Purple Robotics” arī tika sveikts šajā grupā. 2019. gada aprīlī tika iegūti uzņēmumam “Blue Workforce” piederošie IP aktīvi. Katrs uzņēmums bija zināms saistībā ar unikālu tehnoloģiju izstrādi sadarbības lietojumprogrammām, un kopā tie veido milzīgu nozares labāko rīku kopkatalogu. Rīki ietver satvērējus, sensorus, rīku nomainītājus un programmatūru, kas ļauj maziem un vidējiem ražotājiem automatizēt to procesus kā nekad iepriekš – ātri, efektīvi un izdevīgi.


Vikram Kumar
General Manager, EMEA
Vikram Kumar