Industry’s first platform to automate deployment of collaborative applications
The field of automation has grown tremendously over the last decades. Although many manufacturers have embraced automation, high barriers to implementation remain, especially among small and medium-sized companies. Deploying robotic applications on the manufacturing floor is still far too complex, time-consuming, and inflexible. All of this drives up costs and the minimum number of parts produced, making automation an unviable option for many.
D:PLOY breaks down these automation barriers by finally removing complexity associated with robotic application deployments and redeployments, offering staggering time and cost-savings.
D:PLOY allows you to build complete applications directly on the manufacturing floor in a few simple steps, with zero programming and zero simulations – all within a few hours. D:PLOY automates many of the manual steps necessary today for building and running an application, astonishing 90%-time savings compared to conventional solutions.
☑️ Automate faster, easier, and without risk
☑️ Up to 90% deployment time savings for faster ROI
☑️ Solve labor shortage problems
☑️ Improve productivity and stay ahead of competition
2018. gada jūnijā tika dibināts globālais uzņēmums “OnRobot”, apvienojoties dāņu uzņēmumam “OnRobot”, ungāru uzņēmumam "OptoForce" un amerikāņu uzņēmumam “Perception Robotics”. Pēc neilga laika dāņu uzņēmums “Purple Robotics” arī tika sveikts šajā grupā. 2019. gada aprīlī tika iegūti uzņēmumam “Blue Workforce” piederošie IP aktīvi. Katrs uzņēmums bija zināms saistībā ar unikālu tehnoloģiju izstrādi sadarbības lietojumprogrammām, un kopā tie veido milzīgu nozares labāko rīku kopkatalogu. Rīki ietver satvērējus, sensorus, rīku nomainītājus un programmatūru, kas ļauj maziem un vidējiem ražotājiem automatizēt to procesus kā nekad iepriekš – ātri, efektīvi un izdevīgi.