We are happy to inform that a new finger set for the 2FGP20 parallel gripper is now available from OnRobot. The finger set enhances the gripper’s ability to handle KLT boxes and other open plastic containers.
The new finger set for the 2FGP20 opens new opportunities in Palletizing and Transferring tasks in a wide range of industries where the handling of KLT and open plastic containers are required. The 2FGP20 with the new finger set will be one of the first, if not the first, standard gripping solutions on the market for handling such box types.
What is a KLT box?
A KLT box, also known as Euro container, is an industrial stacking container conforming to the VDA 4500 standard, which was originally defined by the German Association of the Automotive industry (VDA) for the automotive industry. The standard has been widely adopted across many other manufacturing industries including Food and Beverage, Electronics and the Shipping industry.
They come in many different sizes and variants, closed versions or perforated versions and for boxes designed for other industries than automotive, the size might abbreviate from the sizes defined in the standard. The common denominator of the different container types is the collar in the box design
Gripping functionality
„OnRobot“ tapo pasauline bendrove 2018 m. birželį, kai prisijungė danų „OnRobot“, vengrų „OptoForce“ ir amerikiečių „Perception Robotics“. Netrukus prisijungė ir danų bendrovė „Purple Robotics“. „Blue Workforce“ priklausantis IP turtas buvo įsigytas 2019 m. balandį. Kiekviena bendrovė garsėjo bendradarbiavimo taikomosioms programoms skirtų unikalių technologijų kūrimu, o visos kartu jos siūlo geriausias pramonės priemones. Šios priemonės apima griebtuvus, jutiklius, įrankių keitiklius ir programinę įrangą, suteikiančius galimybę mažiems ir dideliems gamintojams automatizuoti savo procesus kaip niekad anksčiau – greitai, veiksmingai ir ekonomiškai.