2021-11-08 15:28Press release

Nordic Bright Green Summit on 18 Nov [PRESS INVITATION]

Biden’s Infrastructure Reforms meet Nordic green innovation: Green trade and investment opportunities in the wake of COP26

With the world's eyes on COP26, anticipation is building on whether meaningful climate commitments will be agreed upon. The scale of change required is monumental. There will no longer be a distinction between green businesses and ‘normal’ businesses. Companies that sit still risk falling behind. 

Here in the Nordics, we are home to leading companies, technologies and organizations whose contributions will be key in the fight ahead. In one example of this, the ‘First Movers Coalition’ launched by U.S. President Biden jointly between the U.S. Government and the World Economic Forum, brought together over 30 multinational corporations who have committed to delivering action through their supply chain purchasing decisions. Over a quarter of the founding members were from the Nordics.

Nordic innovation is renowned globally. The Nordics and the U.S. are five of the top six mature innovation ecosystems globally (U.S., Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Canada). This is a record to be proud of. It is also an asset with massive strategic potential. Any concerted effort to fight climate change will inherently centre on existing knowledge bases. How we as regions collaborate and build consensus now will determine whether we see an exponential growth in two-way trade and investment.

The Bright Green Summit on November 18th is a meeting of key Nordic and U.S. stakeholders exploring the post-COP26 landscape. The Summit begins with an expert analysis of what was agreed at COP26 by those with first-hand experience from Glasgow. Building on this, U.S. diplomats will inform participants with fresh perspectives on U.S. President Biden’s newly passed Infrastructure Bill. The program brings together stakeholders and thought-leaders to provide a 360° view of the future economic direction.  

Bright Green Summit organizers AmCham Sweden and Mundus International connect the dots between key players; Government representation from Per Bolund (Minister for Environment and Climate, and Deputy Prime Minister) and Rosemary Gallant (Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Embassy London Regional Senior Commercial Officer for UK, Nordics and Ireland). Leading academic representatives from KTH, SSE, MIT and Darden Business School will also be present. They will guide debate between industry thought leaders from Scania, Skanska, Amazon Web Services, Bain and Company, NASDAQ and Chargepoint, who will showcase innovation and best practices. Organizational bodies including STRING and Business Sweden will share their expertise in cross-disciplinary problem solving. 

The Bright Green Summit agenda is organised across themes of innovation and collaboration in the four key sectors of the global economy referenced by Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission) and Joe Biden (U.S. President) in their COP26 address;

Infrastructure: How, in a decarbonized economy, can we continue to provide energy and create sustainable infrastructure systems? Leading technologies in architecture and energy that support these systems.

Mobility: How will people and goods travel in a Net Zero economy? Key technologies in the transport industry and associated Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructures.

Digital Transformation: How can existing and emerging technologies aid the transition? Can digitalization lead to decarbonization? The disruptive potential of AI, Internet of Things (IOT), blockchain and more. 

Trade and Investment: How is the massive reallocation of capital driving change. What is the ‘real world’ experience of current trade patterns and where do the future opportunities lie?

With a commitment to building back better, 2021 is emerging as a pivotal year in the fight against climate change. 

Help forge the Nordic and U.S. response at the Bright Green Summit on November 18, 2021 from 13:00 to 17:00.

The event is being broadcast live from the Sheraton Stockholm and digital tickets are available for the general public.

Would you like to attend the summit in person or digitally? 

Please get in touch with me for more information or to attend.  

Best regards,

Sean Williams

About Nordic Green News

The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we clip the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.


Sean Williams
Commercial Director, Mundus International
Sean Williams