2023-02-27 18:09Press release

27 February 2023

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Today's Top Nordic Green News:
  • Vattenfall and Orsted demand UK tax breaks to offset rising costs
  • Sweden’s industrialists look to produce hydrogen instead of electricity in bid to maintain control over their projects
  • Thunberg in Norwegian Sami protest over wind power
Vattenfall and Orsted demand UK tax breaks to offset rising costs

Wind farm developers in the UK are calling on the government to grant tax breaks or enhance subsidies as rising supply chain inflation in the past year is leading to a sharp increase in the prices of wind turbines. This surge in costs puts British projects at risk, as several companies that won contracts in a UK government auction last year to build new renewable power generating capacity from 2024 have warned that the projects would be difficult to deliver at the agreed-upon prices. 

Any cancellations or delays to projects procured through the auction would present a setback to the UK government's efforts to meet climate targets and improve security of supply. Last year's subsidy auction was the UK's largest so far and secured enough capacity to provide 12 million homes with cheap, low-carbon power.

Financial Times

Industrialists look to produce hydrogen instead of electricity in bid to maintain control over their projects

Northern Sweden currently has a large electricity surplus, but the situation would change and supply become strained should the steel projects H2 Green Steel (H2GS) and Hybrit meet their schedules and connect their facilities in 2025 and 2026. Around 2030, the companies also plan to increase production, which would see any electricity surplus in the north erased. Among several initiatives, four wind farms are planned in the Gulf of Bothnia, which would have a combined capacity of 34 TWh - equivalent to the entire Swedish wind power production in 2022. However, the state energy transmission authority, Svenska Kraftnät, could risk implementation and construction efforts being delayed, or that energy production would primarily be routed to the main electricity grid. To circumvent the authority, and maintain a higher degree of control, several of the companies engaged in wind power projects in the north are considering the advantages of seeing the wind farms produce hydrogen rather than supplying the main grid with electricity. “It's an attempt to move without sitting and waiting,” said Fredrik Bäckström at Svevind, who currently works on one such pilot plant. 

Dagens Industri

Thunberg in Norwegian Sami protest over wind power

Greta Thunberg and dozens of other activists blocked entrances to Norway's energy ministry, protesting wind turbines built on land traditionally used by indigenous Sami reindeer herders. Thunberg, a vocal advocate for ending the world's reliance on carbon-based power, said the transition to green energy could not come at the expense of indigenous rights.


Sweden invests SEK 46 million in research collaboration for fossil-free steel production

Luleå University of Technology, the metal research institute Swerim and SSAB are collaborating in a research initiative called FINAST, which will investigate fossil-free steel manufacturing and production. The SEK 46 million investment, financed by the EU Fund for a just transition and the Swedish Growth Agency, will establish ten doctoral positions and provide future excellence in the field. The project aims to accelerate the Swedish steel industry's goal of zero carbon dioxide emissions and enable a transition to climate-neutral and resource-efficient steel production and use. The research effort is divided into two parts: studying the properties and performance of fossil-free steel in manufacturing processes and when used in various components, and studying fossil-free steel production using hydrogen and bio-based raw materials.

Press Release

Botnia Hydrogen to build two hydrogen filling stations for heavy transport in northern Sweden

Botnia Hydrogen is building two hydrogen filling stations in Piteå and Arvidsjaur, in northern Sweden, with the capacity to refuel 200 and 400 kg of hydrogen per day at 350 and 700 bar. The stations will produce green hydrogen by electrolysis. While all hydrogen-powered vehicles can refuel at the stations, the target group is heavy transport. The facilities will be in operation in 2023, and their operation will be handled by Botnia Hydrogen with the help of co-owner Skoogs Bränlse

Press Release 

Swedish government approves first step for 94-turbine wind farm off west coast

The Swedish government has approved the construction of 94 wind turbines up to 340 metres high in the sea off the west coast, four miles northwest of Gothenburg. The project, called the Poseidon Park, is expected to be able to produce electricity corresponding to one tenth of Sweden's electricity needs. The foundations for the turbines will float on the waves and will not be anchored to the seabed in order to reduce disturbance for residents. At this stage, the municipalities' go-ahead is not needed, even if they are asked, because the 175 square kilometre area is in the Swedish economic zone. The county administrative board in Västra Götaland has until January 15 next year to submit a recommendation on whether to approve the project.


Swedish Armed Forces object to height increase at Markbygden wind farm

Sweden's largest wind farm, Markbygden, has encountered an obstacle in the form of the Swedish Armed Forces. The third and final stage of the project is currently being constructed, and Svevind, the developer, has applied for permission to increase the height of the turbines from 200 metres to 300 metres. However, the Swedish Armed Forces have objected, citing significant damage to the military's part of the total defence. The matter is now with the government, which will make a decision later this year. If the government decides against the new application, the project will be carried out according to the original plan with 200-metre-high turbines. Svevind is also exploring other areas for land-based wind farms in northern Sweden.


Norwegian Hydrogen receives SEK 20 million to build hydrogen filling station in Visby in Gotland 

Norwegian Hydrogen has received SEK 20 million from the Energy Agency to build a hydrogen filling station in Visby, Sweden, as part of a plan to create a network of hydrogen stations for heavy transport across the Nordic region. The grant comes from a program called Regional Electrification Pilots, which aims to fund 13 new hydrogen filling stations. The station in Visby will have a capacity of more than 1,500 kg of hydrogen per day, enough to fill 30-40 heavy trucks. 

Vätgas Sverige 

Swedish DalaVind resubmits wind farm application 

DalaVind, a Swedish wind energy company, has applied to build a wind farm in Orsa. The application is re-submission of a project that has been reworked. Among other things, the amount of wind turbines to be built on the farm has been reduced. 

Press Release 

Nel being sued by Rotobost due to patent dispute 

Nel is being sued by Rotobost, a Norwegian hydrogen company, due to a dispute over patents. Nel bought Rotolyzer technology which the company was to use and develop into a commercial product, but the patent still remained with Rotoboost. In March 2022, Rotoboost cancelled the agreement with Nel, and now the companies disagree about the use of patents going forward.


European Energy to build new solar park of 50MW in Helsingør

Forsyning Helsingør and the Danish company European Energy have partnered together to establish and operate a future solar park with a capacity of approx. 50 MW. The solar park is expected to be able to deliver green electricity corresponding to approximately half of households' electricity consumption in Helsingør Municipality.

Energi Nyheter

What we’re reading
  • European bosses hit easy targets for ‘green’ bonuses, pay report shows (Financial Times)
  • Why 2023 might just be a turning point for climate action (Financial Times)
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The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we curate the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.