2022-02-09 16:56News

9 February 2022

Mundus Nordic Green News

SEK 3 billion project seeks to capture Gothenburg’s carbon dioxide 

Gothenburg thinks that it can be the first city in the world with an open and common infrastructure for transporting captured carbon dioxide. The Cinfra Cap project is set to transport and store carbon dioxide on a large scale from a number of the largest emission sources in the Gothenburg area, including several oil refineries and power plants. The carbon dioxide will then be transported in liquid form via ships for final disposal in old oil and gas fields under the seabed. The hope is that a number of large companies are ready for the next step in the multi-billion project. If the project goes according to plan, it can be put into operation in 2026 and in the long run transport millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide to its final storage and thus contribute to Sweden’s climate transition.


Yara receives NOK 283 million in Enova support 

The Norwegian government enterprise Enova has decided to grant Yara financial support of NOK 283 million to develop a demonstration project for the production of green ammonia. This is the first step on the road to achieve full decarbonisation of the ammonia plant in Herøya in Porsgunn. 


H2 Energy to compete with Everfuel for Danish hydrogen customers

The Swiss company H2 Energy has already announced that it wants to build a 1 GW electrolysis plant in Denmark, capable of producing up to 90,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year. Now, H2 Energy and Phillips 66 Limited have formed a joint venture to build hydrogen filling stations throughout the country. This will compete with, Everfuel, which has already stated that it will build 19 hydrogen filling stations in Denmark, setting up competition to win over Danish hydrogen customers. 


Finland’s wind power production breaks domestic record

According to statistics from the electricity grid company Fingrid, Finland’s wind power production exceeded 3 GW on 4 February, making it the first time that wind power in Finland has beaten 3 GW. Between 3-4 February, wind power in Finland increased 1,500 fold in 28 hours, exceeding the maximum power capacity of nuclear power. The record breaking numbers also showcased the instantaneous capacity of wind power in the Finnish electricity grid and the strong fluctuation in production that challenges the production of renewable energy. 


Grundfos wants to work more sustainably with rare earth metals

Grundfos has entered into a collaboration with BEC GmbH, Circularise, Minviro and the global organization Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA) on a three year EIT RawMaterials funded innovation project to establish a blockchain based circular system for assessing the sustainability of rare earth mining (CSyARES). The demand for rare earth metals is rising explosively and it is expected to reach 315,000 tonnes by 2030. The project therefore aims to help companies improve the transparency and sustainability of their supply chains in relation to important and rare earth metals. 

Electronic Supply

Maersk and European Energy’s face challenges with their production of green fuel

When the very first ship in Mærsk’s fleet is to be refuelled with green methanol next year, the logistics will be a little more extensive than the two partners had hoped for. A refusal by the authorities and a tax to use the electricity grid, have unveiled some framework conditions that could make it difficult to secure future projects where green energy is used to produce green fuel for shipping via the Power-to-X technology. The original plan was to produce the methanol at the port of Aabenraa with power from European Energy’s solar park in Sønderjylland 10 km away. Instead, the production plant will be built close to the energy developer’s solar park in Kassø. From there, the fuel must be transported to the port by truck and presumably on fuel barges to the port where the container ship is to be refuelled. 

“We are continuing with the project because it is good and the right way to make the green methanol, but it is unfortunate that we end up in an obvious situation where we can see that the framework conditions for PtX are not as flexible as they should be to promote this type of project for Denmark”, said Simon Bergulf, ESG political and regulatory chief at A.P. Møller-Mærsk. 


What we’re reading
  • BP raises energy transition targets, says 2022 upstream output to stabilize after plunge (Platts)
  • Germany taps Greenpeace chief as climate envoy (Reuters)
  • Forrest plans huge 5.4GW wind, solar and battery storage hub in Pilbara (RenewEconomy)

About Nordic Green News

The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we curate the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.