2023-01-26 18:00News

26 January 2023

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New Swedish goal: fossil-free, non-renewable

Ministers Ebba Busch (KD) and Romina Pourmokhtari (L) announced that Sweden’s energy goals must be 100% “fossil-free” instead of the present 100% “renewable”. Busch also said the net zero emission goal for 2045 will remain. The new government has a different perspective and will submit the above proposal during the spring to the parliament (Sw. Riksdagen).


Swedish Social Democrats provide six proposals to double electricity production in the "next decade"

The Social Democrats want to increase production of wind power, and make a number of proposals to increase the speed of renewables adoption. The party leader, Magdalena Andersson, said that it is time to drop the prestige and do what is required. Therefore the party came with the below six proposals for doubling electricity production:

  1. Prioritise offshore wind power projects that are currently on the table, meaning the projects that are most advanced in the decision-making process. 
  2. Cut the permit processing time by half for offshore wind power projects.
  3. Retract “deteriorating conditions” for offshore wind power. Social Democratic party leader Magdalena Andersson urges the government to “let go of the prestige” in the matter and “stop culture wars” about wind power vs nuclear power. 
  4. Take advantage of wind power’s potential for Sweden to be ahead in the green transition. 
  5. Expand green credit guarantees so that they are “given on equal terms” to all “investments in fossil-free electricity production”.  
  6. Implement long-term rules for Swedish energy production. 

DagensOpinion, Aftonbladet

Swedish industry representatives outline action plan to increase competitiveness

It has been 100 days since Ulf Kristersson’s government took office. The new Swedish government has shown an interest in business and industry. Sweden’s well-being is closely linked with that of industry, therefore representatives from the industry are calling for a handshake with the government to increase competitiveness. Swedish industry is facing harder competition from other industrial nations and has never been more challenged, so a large number of concrete political measures must be taken. The representatives have come up with an action plan with 41 key proposals that the government can implement during this office term.

Firstly, the representatives believe the net zero emissions 2045 goal can be achieved earlier if old legal frameworks and views are abolished. Secondly, industry should contribute to protecting Sweden from internal and external threats, as well as increasing self-reliance on raw material and food. Thirdly, Sweden’s exports should be expanded and shift towards increased protectionism, but Swedish interests should still be asserted in foreign markets. Fourthly, as the recessions approaches, structural reform should be prioritised to strengthen industry competitiveness. For all the above proposals, policy implementation should be sped up to further increase competitiveness and reforms be made to solve the severe skill shortage. 


Geminor and Quantafuel set-up plastics recycling firm

Waste product company Geminor, and chemical recycling company Quantafuel ASA, set-up a plastics recycling company called Polynate to create a value chain for plastics in the Nordics and the UK. Polynate’s main operation will be to supply Quantafuel’s existing and planned facilities. The companies hope the collaboration will increase market share and downstream plastic solutions. 

Extracting plastic from residual waste is important to ensure supply for plastic products, and to decrease fossil content of residual waste sent to energy recovery. Geminor’s chief strategic officer, Ralf Schöpwinkel, will head Polynate. Schöpwinkel says, “We see great potential here. Chemical recycling of plastics compliments mechanical recycling and significantly increases overall recycling rate. Thanks to chemical recycling, it will be easier for many countries to reach their ambitious recycling targets.”


What we’re reading
  • Draft shows EU to back new funding for green industry, but officials urge caution (Reuters)
  • Investors press European fusion group to move to US for subsidies (Financial Times)
  • BNP Paribas vows to slash oil lending by 80% by 2030, fund renewables (Reuters)
  • German government no longer expects recession due to energy crisis (Clean Energy Wire)
  • Reasons for scepticism over Swedish rare earths find (Financial Times)

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The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we curate the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.