2022-05-24 18:31News

24 May 2022

Mundus Nordic Green News

Danish PM introduces new climate plan for 2030

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced that her Government will implement a new plan for 2030 at the end of the summer. The plan will include measures on how defence can be strengthened and how a ‘green disposable amount’ (Dk. grønt råderum) can make it possible for Denmark to invest more in climate and the environment. With the agreement “Danmark kan mere I”, DKK 1 billion has been set aside per year in a “framework for green transition”. The money must be raised by cutting support for the business community. However, such a green disposable amount will only be determined in concrete terms once the expert group for future business support is ready with its recommendations. 



Denmark invests additional DKK 250 million on green heating

Together, the Danish government and opposition parties have agreed on an additional investment of DKK 250 million for eight initiatives on green heating and the phasing out of fossil gas. The money will go to the municipalities’ efforts for the roll-out of district heating and smaller, common heating solutions, to energy saving activities and to a decoupling scheme, where households can get support when a gas boiler is scrapped.

Press release

SSAB delivers green steel to Volvo Trucks

Volvo Trucks will begin to use SSAB’s fossil-free steel in its trucks, starting with a small-scale introduction of steel in Volvo’s heavy electric trucks during 3Q22. The first steel will be used in the trucks’ frame beams, but as the supply of fossil-free steel increases, the steel will also be used in other parts of the trucks. SSAB plans to offer fossil-free steel on an industrial scale to the market as early as 2026 and aims to eliminate virtually all CO2 emissions from its own operations around 2030. 

Press relase

Vattenfall’s Fjällboheden to supply 165 GWh renewable energy

Vattenfall Eldistribution has completed a new station for Fjällboheden’s wind farm outside Skellefteå. With the completion, 10 wind turbines are now ready to supply the electricity grid with 165 GWh annually. “... The demand for renewable energy connections is constantly increasing and the connection of Fjällboheden is a good example of how our work enables energy conversion,” said Catarina Grenemark, Head of Corporate Relations at Vattenfall Eldistribution. 

New solar and wind power area planned for Oulu region in Finland

A total area of about 1,800 hectares is planned for Kynkäänsuo in Finland, which would include more than 12 new wind farms and a solar power area of up to 170 hectares. The project, which requires changes in the layout of the area, as well as numerous environmental studies before conduct, is expected to be finalised within the next few years. 


Vinnova invests SEK 24 million in research on sustainable metal

The Swedish Innovation Authority, Vinnova, has announced its decision to invest over SEK 24 million with its strategic innovation program Metallic materials (Sw. Metalliska material). The program has focused on research in a sustainable metal industry with seven new research projects now being granted support from the authority. 


Nilar introduces guaranteed rights issue of SEK 273 million

Nilar’s board of directors has decided on a fully guaranteed rights issue of a maximum of 273,070,506 shares with preferential rights for the company’s existing shareholders. The right’s issue is SEK 1.00 per share. If the right’s issue becomes fully subscribed, the company will receive approximately SEK 273 million before deductions for attributable costs. 

Press release

What we’re reading
  • Saudi Aramco CEO warns of global oil crunch due to lack of investment (Reuters)

About Nordic Green News

The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we curate the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.