2022-06-22 18:10News

22 June 2022

Mundus Nordic Green News

Further details on Swedish energy announcement

As Nordic Green News reported yesterday, Sweden’s government made what it claims to be a major announcement about the future energy system in Sweden. The Government says that it is presenting a broad package for more electricity production in several different types of power, and inviting cross-bloc energy policy talks. Specific details included;

Solar power

The Government intends to work to ensure that investments in solar production take place when it is technically, functionally, cost-effective and economically feasible, especially on public and commercial buildings.

Wind power

Further to announcements made during the spring, the Government will develop a system to compensate those whose surroundings are significantly affected by wind power expansion, as well as elaborated proposals to give the municipalities stronger incentives to participate in expanded wind power. A new goal is proposed that the time to obtain a permit for wind power far out at sea should be halved compared to today, by, among other things, reviewing applicable legislation and streamlining the government's own handling.


Hydropower is the backbone of Swedish electricity production. A re-examination of hydropower's environmental conditions is underway. The government has given relevant authorities two assignments. The Swedish Maritime Administration will analyse the work of providing hydropower with modern conditions, to ensure the greatest possible benefit for the aquatic environment and for national efficient access to hydropower. A second assignment has been made to investigate the local and regional benefits of hydropower, among other things from an electrical emergency preparedness perspective. 

Nuclear power

The Government will commission the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority to review the development of the regulations and other measures needed to be able to utilise both existing and future nuclear power. The assignment will include developing new regulations for new reactor technology such as small modular reactors (so-called SMR).


In addition, it is reported that the Government also announced an inquiry to develop a bioeconomy strategy and to propose measures to promote the production of biofuels based on domestic raw materials.

Press release, Press release

PowerCell Sweden receives megawatt order for fuel cell system for tugboats worth approx. SEK 37 million

PowerCell Sweden has received an order from America’s Maritime Partners for fuel cell systems with a total power of several megawatts worth USD 3.6 million for delivery during 3Q23. Maritime Partners plans to launch the world's first hydrogen electric tugboat in 2023, called M / V Hydrogen One. Hydrogen will be produced onboard by reforming methanol and the ship will have a range of 550 miles.

Maritime Partners is an American privately owned company that is a leader in customized financing and leasing solutions in the marine segment in North America. The company's fleet of more than 1,600 vessels transports goods are vital to the US economy, including agricultural products, chemicals, machinery, crude oil and refined petroleum products.

Press release 

SSAB's fossil-free steel to be tested in the USA

SSAB has entered into an agreement with America’s Shape, a global direct supplier of lightweight body constructions. According to the agreement, SSAB will supply crash protection systems and body parts in fossil-free steel to Shape, which will test SSAB's fossil-free steel for use in vehicle applications.


Soltech Energy acquires Spanish solar energy company

Swedish solar company, Soltech Energy has acquires 65% of the shares in the Spanish solar energy company Sud Renovables. Sud Renovables had sales of SEK 90 million in 2021 and is expected to increase sales to SEK 245 million in 2022. The initial acquisition payment is SEK 81 million, with additional installments of SEK 98 contingent on set sales and profitability targets. Operating profit is expected to correspond to approximately 8-10%.

Press release

World-unique electric timber truck for SCA

The world's first electric timber truck with a capacity of 80 tonnes will be delivered to SCA, licensed for 64 tonnes on public roads and 80 tonnes on private roads. The hope is that the new electric timber truck will be another step on the journey towards a fossil-free society. 

Press release

Trønderenergi and Hitecvision’s new energy company to be called Aneo

In March, Nordic Green News reported that Norwegian power company, Trønderenergi and the investors in Hitecvision announced that they would form a new jointly owned energy company with 250 employees. The new company, Aneo will have the capacity to invest NOK 15 to 20 billion in renewable energy and new energy technology, throughout the Nordic region.


Proman Stena Bulk receives methanol-powered tanker

Proman and one of the world’s largest tanker shipping companies Stena Bulk, confirmed that the first methanol-powered newbuild vessel under its partnership has been delivered and is preparing for commercial operation,. The methanol-powered 49,990 DWT Stena Pro Patria is the first of six state-of-the-art, IMOIIMeMAX dual-fuel mid-range (MR) tankers being built in China for Proman Stena Bulk and Proman. 

Hellenic Shipping News 

What we’re reading
  • Czech ambassador: ‘We will burn anything we can to keep our people warm’ this winter (Euractiv)
  • IEA warns Europe to prepare for total shutdown of Russian gas exports (Financial Times)

About Nordic Green News

The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we curate the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.