2022-02-10 18:08News

10 February 2022

Mundus Nordic Green News

Stockholm steps up its climate goals - aims to become the best city in the EU

This week, Stockholm submitted its application to become one of 100 cities in the EU with the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2030. The aspiration is to get a share of the €360 million that the European Commission is investing in reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the Union’s cities. By 2030, Stockholm is currently estimated to still have 700,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, but calculations show that the city should at the same time be able to store 800,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2030. However, this assume that the test facility that captures carbon dioxide emissions from Värtaverket is up and running by 2025. If the project is successful, Stockholm could become climate positive as early as 2030. 

“According to the European Commission, we are introducing a new concept that no other city in the EU has, to actually store more carbon dioxide than we emit. It’s not fun to have to compensate for emissions with carbon capture. But that means that we can step up and become climate positive after 2030 already”, said Katarina Luhr.


Danish experts propose CO2 tax 

The Danish Government’s Expert Commission has presented a proposal for a new CO2 tax to achieve the goals of the Climate Act in the best possible way. The proposal involves the payment of taxes on carbon dioxide emissions for all companies, including airlines. By 2025, the plan foresees that passengers on domestic flights will be able to choose an environmentally friendly trip. By 2050, Denmark aims to achieve net carbon neutrality. The Danish principle is that the widest shoulders should carry the most. This must also apply in the green transition: If you emit CO2, then you have to pay”, said Mette Frederiksen. 

Aviacionline, ESGToday

Equinor works towards green transition

Equinor has advised investors that the company will focus on sustainability, greenhouse gas reductions and low-emission solutions. The ambitions in the company’s climate plans have grown in line with market expectations. Equinor has moved towards increased sustainability with the carbon capture and sequestration project Northern Lights, which is a joint undertaking of Equinor, Total and Shell. And CEO of Equinor, Anders Opedal, has promised further investments in more renewable energy and emission cuts and announced that the company’s ambition is to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and take responsibility for its own emissions and help others who use oil and gas downstream to cut their emissions as well. 

Equinor has reported an adjusted operating profit of $9.77 billion and $2.78 billion after tax for 4Q21, an increase of USD 0.78 billion compared to the same period in 2020. The result broke records, with an adjusted profit of $15 billion, 13% higher than analysts expected. Consequently, the company’s dilemma is not that the company earns too little, but rather where they will spend their money and what the dividend will look like. 

Energywatch, Aftenbladet, Nnews

Ramboll launches new strategy: Wants to be the world’s leading advisor 

Ramboll recently announced its new strategy called The Partner for Sustainable Change. With the new strategy, Ramboll aims to become a leading global advisor in sustainability by helping customers and communities to adjust to a sustainable future. A crucial part of the strategy is to become an industry leader in the green energy transition. Today, Ramboll’s business unit for energy employs 1,500 experts. The ambition is to have 2,500 experts by the end of 2025, working on the world’s largest and most ambitious projects in the field of green energy. Ramboll is already a world leader in offshore wind and has a leading position in new energy technologies such as Power-to-X, hydrogen and CO2 capture and storage. 

Energy-supply, ByensEjendom, Licitationen

Ving to reduce its CO2 emissions by 25% before 2030

The charter trip operator, Ving previously announced its sustainability strategy, which it says include ambitious short and long term goals to reduce its climate impact that holiday travel entails. Ving has now presented that it will reduce the emissions from Sunclass Airlines by 25% per passenger kilometre by 2030, with a goal to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. This will, among other things, be achieved from a renewal of the aircraft fleet with new fuel-efficient aircraft, phasing in of biofuels and further optimization of the aircraft’s performance. 

“This is our most important trip ever! We will be part of the solution and take the necessary steps for more sustainable holiday travel. There are no other alternatives and now we have a clear plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions per passenger kilometre by 25% by 2030 from our own airline - and a goal to completely avoid carbon dioxide emissions by 2050”, said Magnus Wikler, CEO of Ving/Nordic Leisure Travel Group. 

Dagens Infrastruktur

Magnus Hallman appointed CEO of Freja Offshore

Hexicon and Aker Offshore Wind have recruited Magnus Hallman as CEO of their joint 50/50 joint venture Freja Offshore AB, which was formed in 2021. Hallman, who will take up the role as CEO of Freja Offshore from 2Q22, is a former CEO of Svenska Kraftnät Gasturbiner. His experience in the industry and knowledge of the Swedish energy market will be important assets when Freja Offshore carry out their offshore wind projects in Sweden. 


Germany and Denmark to strengthen cooperation on offshore wind power 

Denmark is among the countries in the world that have the highest ambitions when it comes to offshore wind. This could pave the way for increased cooperation with Germany, which is facing an enormous energy need after it decided to phase out nuclear power. 

Denmark’s PM, Mette Frederiksen said “I am glad that we have a new German government that has set very high goals in the climate field. It is important for Europe that one of its big countries seriously throws itself into the fight in the climate area. I also think it is a very exciting idea to make a climate club for the most ambitious countries in the world. It is clear that from the Danish perspective, with our very high goal of a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030, we are happy to take part in that work”. 


What we’re reading
  • Eni signs deals with 19 companies for carbon storage in UK project (Reuters)
  • Petronas, Japan's Mitsui OSK to explore liquefied CO2 shipping (Reuters)
  • China moves emissions peaking deadline to 2030 for steel sector (Seneca ESG)
  • Japan’s inpex to invest usd868m for carbon capture in Australia (Seneca ESG)
  • France’s Macron calls for a nuclear power ‘renaissance’, building at least 6 reactors (RFI)

About Nordic Green News

The Nordic countries are some of the most dynamic and successful economies in the world. They are also leaders in sustainability, from renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture and storage and the hydrogen economy, circular economy business models and battery development, the Nordics are pioneers in policy design, technology development and consumer uptake. Mundus Nordic Green News is covering this transition for the international community. Every day we curate the stories of most relevance to international businesspeople and policy experts from the flow of news. Mundus Nordic Green Indices summarise the meta-data from our daily coverage to enable easy tracking of trends. We supplement these with our own opinion pieces and commentary.