2021-08-20 12:49Press release

Kazakhstan’s contribution to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation

As current events attest to, the importance of Central Asia is growing. Thirty years ago Kazakhstan began the process of denuclearisation when we closed the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Since then, we have been playing a huge role in disarmament and nonproliferation.

At the 75th session of the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2020, President of Kazakhstan Mr. Tokayev, drew the attention of the world community to the crisis in this area. Actually it has been underlined that Kazakhstan had been “the role model as a responsible state by willingly abandoning its nuclear arsenal and shutting down the world’s biggest nuclear test site in Semipalatinsk”. However, as it was stated by him, “continuous erosion of the non-proliferation leaves us in a dangerous position.” In this regard, the President also emphasized that “Kazakhstan expects all Member States to join its appeal to nuclear powers to take necessary and urgent measures to save humankind from a nuclear disaster.”
For 30 years of its independence, the Republic of Kazakhstan has made a significant contribution to strengthening peace and international security, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, invariably confirming its recognized authority as a responsible actor in international engagement and a reliable partner in global cooperation to build a safe world for the benefit of all people on the planet.

In this regard, we welcome sharing information about the activities of Kazakhstan in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Please contact Aida Yermekkaliyeva via the Embassy for further information. 

You may learn about our nuclear and disarmament journey through the attached factsheet, this impactful 4 minute video and a longer documentary (password uNhycT4OyHZm9oU).

And for further information about Kazakhstan’s human rights and democratisation agenda, please see our Newsroom.

About the Embassy

The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Sweden and in the Kingdom of Denmark was opened on March 8, 2014 by direct decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a view to strengthening diplomatic relations. The site is introduced to keep the wide public informed on activity of the diplomatic mission in Sweden, and to provide information support for the citizens of Kazakhstan who live in Sweden and foreigners who are going to visit Kazakhstan as tourists or businessmen.


Aibek Yessey
Aibek Yessey
The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan