2018-09-10 14:20Bloggpost

Hackathon of 2018


Saturday, 8th of September, in Stora Salen at SSE (Stockholm School of Economics) was filled with hundreds of students from different schools such as KTH, SSE and KI, there to embrace their entrepreneurial mindsets by creating business ideas that can solve the problems of tomorrow. In one day, they got the chance to meet new people with different backgrounds, create diverse- and interdisciplinary teams, develop an idea and at the end of the day, create a pitch for investors

Some of the students already had ideas, while others took the opportunity to team-up around the existing ideas. In the end there were twenty diverse teams - all with unique ideas, but with the same ambition of challenging the topic of the day which was “crossing boarders” by inventing the future, challenge status quo or reach globally with their idea.

The morning started off with Rebecca Birge, and anthropologist and strategist who shared her experience of the importance of working in interdisciplinary teams. Thereafter, Heidi Harman, CEO of Included works shared her experience of how running a startup that promotes increased diversity and inclusiveness through crowdsourced recruitment.

Afterwards, the teams were working intense for three hours developing their idea, creating a business model as well as a pitch. They were supported by coaches with different experiences- from successful entrepreneurs to lawyers.

All teams got the chance to Pitch their idea to a jury consisting of real investors and business angels.

The best collaborator was rewarded to go to Hong Kong together with the Nordic-China Startup Forum and the winning team was also rewarded.

A day filled of inspiration, energy and fun as well as a great opportunity for students to network and find future co-workers or co-founders. We are also looking forward to see if any of the ideas make it to become a real company in the future.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

-Margeret Mead

Om KI Innovations

Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB hjälper forskare – vid Karolinska Institutet och andra universitet – att kommersialisera tidiga upptäckter inom life science. Forskare, som gör upptäckter som kan komma många människor till godo, får en affärsmöjlighet via KI Innovations. Det kan handla om forskning som leder till nya läkemedel, olika former av medicintekniska lösningar eller diagnostiska verktyg. KI Innovations har ett nätverk av experter med stor erfarenhet av varje steg i utvecklingsprocessen, från bedömning av potentialen i tidiga upptäckter inom life science fram till försäljning, licensiering eller bolagisering.


Maria Berner-Holmström
Maria Berner-Holmström