2014-04-30 08:51Pressmeddelande

Janssen Announces New Collaboration with Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility to Enhance Access to Anti-TB Compound

Johnson & Johnson today announced that its affiliate Janssen Pharmaceutica NV (Janssen) has entered into a novel collaboration with the Stichting International Dispensary Association (IDA), a procurement agent for the Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility (GDF), to facilitate access to the Company's anti-tuberculosis medicine. This public-private partnership was established by the newly formed Janssen Global Public Health and is the latest in the Company's overall efforts to improve public health.

More than 130 low- and middle-income countries outside of the United States will now be able to obtain this new anti-tuberculosis medicine through the procurement processes of GDF and its agent, the IDA.

"We believe that the collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility is a good example of how we can contribute to the collective global access response for public health medicines." said Adrian Thomas, M.D., Vice President of Global Market Access at Janssen. 

Janssen has a long legacy of working to improve access to and appropriate use of medicines for diseases of great unmet need, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and other diseases impacting the developing world and emerging markets.

"Our goal is to work with the GDF to facilitate access while ensuring appropriate use of medicines," says Wim Parys, M.D., R&D Head, Global Public Health at Janssen.

Om Janssen

Janssen, som utgör läkemedelsdivisionen av Johnson & Johnson-koncernen, är ett av de tio största läkemedelsbolagen i världen med cirka 40 000 anställda på fem kontinenter. Företaget är verksamt inom sex terapiområden: neurologiska sjukdomar, infektionssjukdomar, onkologiska och hematologiska sjukdomar, immunologiska sjukdomar, pulmonell arteriell hypertoni, samt metabola och kardiovaskulära sjukdomar. Janssen finns i alla de fem nordiska länderna med cirka 350 anställda, varav drygt 200 i Sverige.


Martin Johansson
Medical Affairs Lead Oncology, Hematology & Immunology
Martin Johansson
Mikael Själin
Medical Lead Neuroscience
Mikael Själin